Positive Things of the Game..The anti-moan Thread


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i’m close to the fox, about 120k RP away from it combined, should i continue the grind for it or get the Z-19? i’m as far away from it as i am the fox

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I presume you mean the Z-19 Helicopter, and if so I can’t really give an objective answer.

For one, I don’t have the Z-19 for personal comparison. For two I am a big fan of the Fox and thus I am heavily biased in favor of it.

Do you like playing helicopters or fast tanks more? If the former, get the Z-19, if the latter, get the Fox.

I will say this much, unless you tick the box that puts ground vehicle XP towards Helicopters it will take a lot longer to cover the same 120k for a helicopter than it does for a ground vehicle.

to be honest this is why i am asking you, i just need someone to tell me to grind the fox since i’ve been putting it off lfor like a month

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Oh in that case go for the Fox, its the most fun I’ve had in War Thunder since the A.C.I was still at 2.7

It’s an absolute menace to the enemy and a machine of unadulterated shenanigans.

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Behold: L3 x ASU https://youtu.be/afxcQDZxM14