[POLL] Thoughts and Opinions on South Korea and Thailand allocation

Can be under American tech tree

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America doesnt need a sub tree…

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Japan won’t get Korea as their subtree. Remember, Gaijin chose to give non-existent paper F-16 to Japan, instead of KF-16 or FA-50 that actually exists.


No, just no

Korea and Japan is historically, politically Not fitting together

Seriously? The history between Kor-Jpn is not that good


Nothing to worry about. This is a delusional article that is routinely posted on communities. Anyway, a Gaijin employee said that there are no plans for Korea to become a subtree of Japan. So this voting post cannot be meaningful.


So why was the thai subtree proposal passed on to the developer? It’s obvious that your logic is flawed.

Because Thai makes much more sense than Korea as a subtree. Thailand has not been ruled or invaded by Japan, and the two countries still have a good relationship since WW2, so it is not politically or historically controversial.

This reason has been stated too many times.

South Korea and Japan have no connection unlike the current subtrees in-game. If South Korea should be added in Japan for balance purposes then you can essentially ask for any other country with a strong army too avoid an outrage.

Like Turkey or Canada in Japan would work as an balance purpose as well but does it make sense? Nope, so the simple question is why Korea?


Why isn’t there an option in the poll for North Korea to be a subtree of South Korea?


Thailand was an ally of Japan and Thailand had bought and used Japanese equipment against the the Allied nations, even now they have imported Japanese ships.

What equipment has South Korea bought and used from Japan or vice versa?


At least the addition of the F-16AJ is no reason for Japan not to have a Korean subtree added in the future. There are many variants of the F-16 in Thailand and Southeast Asia, and they could have added it to the Japan tree at that time, but Gaijin didn’t do that. If I follow your first logic, there will be no more subtrees coming to Japan in the future, but that is impossible.

You are misunderstanding the point of what you are saying. I am only saying that the addition of the F-16AJ is not a reason for the Korean subtree not coming, and I am not discussing the pros and cons of adding the Korean subtree to Japan.

My bad i misunderstood then but your correct however now with the Thai sub tree suggestion being passed for consideration it’s more likely for Thailand to become an sub tree for Japan.

once i thought the same opinion but all nation are free to combination
this way it is more easy to play as a nation which have many inported weapons
for “Folder” it might be a good idea for Ground SB it could avoid a CM11 fight with soviet tanks in it
but it’s hard to make it simply afaik china and soviet have conflicts (they get T-62 No.545 from it) as they research vehicles with usa (like jaguar tank and j-8 peace pearl)
so make all nations seperately might be a good idea i thought

dont forget German Empire vessels in naval tree :)
just put the vehicle in the nation which bulid or refit it

I don’t know when this bullshit will stop.
Japan does not need a subtree itself
There is sufficient backup and a lot of powerful vehicles has been added.
There is also a lot of unique Japanese vehicles that may be added in the future.

Do people who claim that there should be a subtree in Japan actually play the Japanese tree?
It’s ridiculous.


Korea has a lot of unique equipment, so confining it as a subtree is not adequate. While the F-16AJ itself is not a confirmation, but it is clearly an important rationale.


I don’t know why they keep trying to take away vehicles from countries that are politically complex and have more top-tier vehicles than Japan. Didn’t Japanese players start out knowing that there will be no more Japanese Top tier MBT after Type 90 and Type 10? If the Korean tree comes out as a subtree, the top tier will not be a Japanese tree, but just Korean tree with Japanese sub tree.


Can we please stop using that “blue dragon” word?
It is a word that only appears in wargame RD as a virtual alliance and does not actually exist.


I’m glad that the misunderstanding has been cleared up. The proposal for a Thai subtree has been passed to the developers, making it more likely that a Thai subtree will come, but I think there is still a chance that a Korean subtree will come. I hope Korea gets added to warthunder in the best possible way.