[POLL] Polish Tech Tree

i think gaijin should add polish ground forces when is going to be next update after firebirds drop, then the next update should be polish nation

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It wasn’t. People’s Republic of Poland was separate state. It was soviet satelite but it wasn’t soviet republic, had its’ own government, army etc.

Stop embarassing yourself.

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You mean the government that was installed by the soviets after they occupied it in WW2, and which mysteriously collapsed at the same time as the rest of the soviet union? You mean the Northern Group of Forces that occupied Poland from 1944 to 1993? Is that the government and army that you are referring to?

Perhaps you mean the army that was placed under the command of Konstantin Rokossovsky and which later imposed martial law as soon as the puppet soviet government’s power was challenged. lol.

Clearly Poland was not under the dominion of the USSR…

The Entirety of the eastern bloc was but none of this matters. It was never a socialist republic of the Soviet Union.

Yes dominon, but not a socialist republic.

And you did great research in wiki, I appreciate that lol

but you did not prove your point.

and what are northen forces you meant Northern Army?
well lets say there was other group that pure purpose was to secure and install comunist in charge before main Soviet army arrived in Warsaw…it was instaled in another polish city, and there was name for this phenomenon from 1944-1948 you know how is it called and who’s mission was to instal it?

Martial law was also introduced in 1981, but not because the Polish People’s Republic was trying to challenge the USSR, or at least that was not the purpose of the event.

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Im not here to debate the semantics of what a “socialist republic” is. I said that Poland was part of the USSR (i.e. it’s government and people were controlled by the Kremlin). I did not say that Poland was a member-state to any specific socialist treaty. Even if I had, the difference between the relationship between Poland and the Kremlin did not substantially differ from any of the the other member-states, and the argument that Poland was not a “socialist republic” is uncredible.

But my primary point is that a Polish tree is another copy-paste USSR clone like China with few domestic contributions. Poland doesn’t need its own tree. It can have its vehicles represented across multiple trees just like Canada.

So anwsering your points

Poland was part of the USSR from 1945 to 1989.

This…this doesn’t sound like:

I said that Poland was part of the USSR (i.e. it’s government and people were controlled by the Kremlin)

You literally are contradicting yourself, this doesn’t sound like: “Poland was influanced and controled by USSR” or “poland was dominated by Soviet Ideas from 1953 - 1989”

But my primary point is that a Polish tree is another copy-paste USSR clone like China with few domestic contributions.

Okay? nobody gives a crap about it? we alredy have: Isreal, China, Sweden and Japan, and does anyone care? No? gaijin will probobly make good money on it, on this version of a TT. You may not like it but making this TT looking like this semi-copy pasted will draw attention from other players that like certain play style. So copy-paste argument would be strong if Gaijin didn’t add more tech trees in this style, especially if they didn’t add Israel, then your “copy paste argmuent” would be strong.

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They shouldnt have added Israel. Israel is just Centurion after Centurion then Magach after Magach then Merkava after Merkava with little deviance. They should have just added the Centurions to the British tree where they were originally and the rest to the US where those vehicles were originally.

The influx of copy-paste tech trees is all about appeasing the nationalists with a chip on their shoulder that their nation isn’t represented with its own tech tree (like with LATAM). There are already too many tech trees and most people have not played them because it takes too long to grind them all out. Further, adding more trees stunts the development of the already-existing trees that still need to be fleshed out. There is no reason to add Poland to the game as an independent tree other than for nationalist reasons when its vehicles can fill-out other trees.

dude, your comments are unnecessary.
If we were so nationalistic, we would not ask for a combined tree. If latam were copy paste, a combined tree would not be necessary. In fact, the TT of latam is combined because we do not want copy paste and we are not nationalistic.

By the way, Israel is not a mistake, it has plenty of vehicles. The fact that they only added magachs is not Israel’s fault. Gaijin is the only one to blame.


Czesc, I found this: PRODUCTION AND MODERNIZATION OF T-34-85 TANK IN POLAND. It details the full history of Poland’s modernization program for the T-34-85 and some extra stuff that the warszawa military institute did researching stabilizers and a new gun. Tldr, in the end the actual advancements for the T-34-85 were minimal and by the 1980s most T-34-85s were not referred by M1 or M2, just M because of such little difference. In BR making I put this tank at 6.0, and possible 6.3 if we can find proof Polska used 3-BK7 or BK3 HEATFS for their 85mm cannons. Hope this helps, I also found a lot of other stuff that might help I just gotta find the files
Publishers Panel ← better link I forgot other one needs to request


Additionally, the small Narew from my interpretation could be included (but at like 13.0 because CAMM is a active homing missile and 25km range). The mala narew has a little radar on a pole in the iLauncher on the jelcz truck
mala narew


Is also made this tech tree on the wt tech tree maker thing, it is pretty similiar to yours but with Czech sub-tree because of close relation in military industry (TOPAS, SKOT, PT-91 engine, PT-91M2 gun)



trololololooo, this tech tree have more sense than China or Israel :D


full support for this idea