[POLL] Polish Tech Tree

Another Polish Tech Tree

Do you Agree that Poland should be as a seperate Tech Tree rather than as a subtree?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Not, sure
0 voters

Why you should hear me out.

As I am posting this there have been multiple proposition of adding Czechia, Poland or Slovakia to the game. And it hitted me that all of them usualy use the same form of reach or vehicles, rather than in uniqe way or actually uniqe vehicles that have actuall difrence from eachother. Instead we usually have:
- too many vehicles that sound difrent but are the same (would act the same in the game)
- too many mockups or sketch vehicles that haven’t even had its test flight or drive
- complex and long ass grind that feels the same at some point
- source: trust me bro
And apparently it appeals to people. beacasue the more the better, but at the same time people complain about long grind. So why don’t we skip all of the uneccesary BS and use only vehicles that:
- It was created as a demonstrator and an initial prototype (which was built from scratch)
- It was a real project anticipated for production
- Premium vehicles are special vehicles for Poles, associated with deeper history or are differently functioning tech tree vehicles

Overall Look






Colors explanation:
green - Original vehicle/difrent from the Original
blue - Modified vehicles that are not much different from the original
orange - Uniqe vehicles that doesn’t have its counter parts in game
red - Copy-paste

“But I don’t like how this TT looks, why should I support it?”

Well you don’t need to support the way this TT looks, but if you love poland and you do want to see it in WT some day, you can support the idea of a independent TT. Beacasue if Gaijin will add it to any of a Tech Trees well only 1/4 of potential would be used. As well it creates a question in what TT poland has most sense? Well USSR beacasue that’s where most of the vehicles are coming from…but as you know or may not know poles doesn’t like USSR/Russia. Maybe to Germany? Well same here, being a firts victim of funny moustache man says for itself, as well we didn’t have that many vehicles from germany, except some captured WWII tanks, leopard 2’s and those German Mig-29 that we bought for 1 EURO. maybe UK? here as well, there are some vehicles that we used but it dosne’t mean it automaticly makes as a candidate for a subtree, the same goes to USA and other previous mentioned.

Where are the details and sources?

The sources are provided in here: Polish TT 3.0
With more freedom to look at the techtrees, I didn’t used some funky websites, I’m old fashioned and I used microsoft paint.
If you got to the end you can also look at this: Polish TT in WT - Yt video

Its me explaining entire sense and purpose of this techtree and why I did it again (3rd time), don’t worry about me speking polish I made subtitles so you can undrstand me.

Any qestions, any problems or anything you have problem with, you can say it in the comment section here or in the YT video, I do my best to explain why for example I putted Krab on 8.0 or why Aviation starts with polish planes, then goes to USSR and ends up in F-16C B52. I can anwser those questions, and some other. And if you willing to I would be happy to recive some sources that confirm or deny my thesis (in terms of legality I don’t want to have problems beacsaue someone putted istruction on how SMK’s Rak autoloader works( ps. I do know how it works cuz I had training on it)). So feel free to ask, feel free to critizise.


I’m working on Polish Tree with other people as well. Perhaps we could work something out together.


It would be interesting to see this and a Korean tree


+1 for future polish tech tree!


I think North koreans would’t mind adding them to south korean TT :v


We do not need another copy-paste tree. Your info is super misleading if you consider things like the T-72s and Leopard 2s to be “original.”

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You’re thinking about United Korea Tree?

Why have you not added the F16C?

These two are not original however you seem to overlooking other vehicles presented here.

its there

what do you mean? It is there colored in red.

My bad. I forgot about the T-54.

yeah, something like that, I don’t think its neccesary to separete those two already sepered countries. I mean south korea would made interesting TT for its own but norh korea would add that spicy USSR vibe

what is copy paste TT in your opinion? also I didn’t call leopard 2 and T-72’s as original, why’d you assumed that?

IDK, maybe because you color-coded the entire tree to make it look like it had more original vehicles than it actually does. Changing 1% of a tank does not make it original, or “difrent from the Original”

In my opinion a Polish tech tree is not possible nor have any sense, however having a tech tree like a “Central European” or something like that. We could include then countries like Czech republic, Slovakia, Ukraine etc. then we could have enough content and also would have more fun from diversity in tanks and planes. But it is mine opinion on this matter but after talking with some of my friends, it turns out each one of them also share the same thought.


so I’m guessing you’re talking about the PT-91? or Leopard2PLM1? well they’re originating from poland they’re centernly not original as we can call it however calling PT-91 or T-72M1Z a 1% change is like calling SRV122B+ that or WZ99 or anything resebling alredy existing and premade tank.


ukraine goes to USSR in the 1st place, sorry but history said its a part of USSR from 1919 - 1990, second Czech-Slov TT at its own has more sense since it would act like USSR or idk. Yugoslavia since they made one country than they can split into two and yeah. they can make work for eachother, they centrently are having more interesting aviation than Poland, I must admire that


What is your point? Poland was part of the USSR from 1945 to 1989.

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you need to study history more.
its was part of Warsaw pact yes, but its wasn’t a republic as Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Estionia, Kazachstan, Gorgia, Armenia and those two countries under kazachstan