now the big difference and the main limit to the SU-27s R-27ER combo is the radar-- it’s better on dev but still not great-- it generally will find the target second which means it will still have to defend against the aim-7p without firing in return as such at least in sim it should deserve a 13.3 BR since the f15a with less/worse missiles and only a marginally better flight model is extremely strong at 13.0
Not in sim. The 9m being smokeless is a massive advantage over the 73 since you don’t exactly know when it was launched. Its side aspect performance is much higher which is more important in sim since you can fire them easier going into a merge. Yes an r-73 getting launched at 1.2km rear aspect will fuck you harder than a 9m it just doesn’t matter that much
Sim has separate BRs, and the whole matchmaker is different, the F/A-18C Early may well be a higher BR in sim, but for ARB, it would be about equal to the SU-27
Remember even if the F/A-18C launches first, the R-27ER is significantly faster, from my experience the R-27ER usually wins SARH duels, even with Russian radars being a little behind
Once again I am talking about sim here it would deserve 13.3 like the su-27 and su-33 I personally think it’d be less fucked at 12.7 with 9Ls --9Ls have been very good for me-- since it dodges slop tier match maker
as a side note 10 9m would make Denmark from almost unplayable to literally unplayable for redside lol
I think if they were to implement it, they should just make it a copy-paste of the 9M. It would add some unique flavor that’s specific to that era, and likely wouldn’t be implemented otherwise. But yeah, if they actually were to implement the IR imaging it would be too strong.
My answer to this would honestly depend on other factors.
There’s currently a pair of bug reports that have been forwarded to the devs: one that changes it’s countermeasures from 60 to 120 (just the F/A-18C variants), and one that points out that all the Hornets can carry 4x BOL 160 CM pods (Including the A variant).
If both changes end up going through, then it might not matter since what’s 60 flares when you already have 700. However, if only the first go through, that’s yet another area that the C Early is just straight up better than the A.
If the C Early ends up getting double the flares of the A, then a more substantial upgrade in weaponry and an increase in BR would be more than justified.