Please tell me why i do bad

If anyone wants to see how to play the ELC Bis, send a PM and I’ll give you a One Drive link with a couple of videos.

I would not worry or bother too much about the game, if you become too obsessed or addicted it will only lead to frustration, annoyance and stress. Things that you really should be trying to lessen in your life and certainly not exacerbate in your precious leisure time.
You are only 1/16 of a so called team, and some of that team may actively be working against you and the goals of the team, there is only so much you can do. You are playing against an unbalanced system with cheating going on.
If you start to obsess with doing well it is not a good thing for your mental health and phycological well being, especially in such a toxic and random event happening scenario, if it gets that bad for you then take a long long break and do something else. Maybe come back to the game later or you may realise just how little you need it. Take care and stay safe you look after yourself because the company will not and does not care one iota.

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same man, same

War Thunder is one of my favourite games but I’m not like obsessed over it. It’s just that I only really play War Thunder because other games are boring or I just suck so bad that they aren’t fun. Sadly War Thunder is becoming on of those games. I just got the Marder A1 and Helicopter for Germany and man do I suck. I get about 1 kill every 5 games now and only about 500rp per match (sometimes less sometimes a little more). I’ve completly stopped playing ground arcade so that my brain can focus only on realistic but I swear I’m getting worse lol.

I know all about the weakspots of enemies and try not to make noob mistakes. l try to not rush and look carefully before moving away from cover but its to no use. Somehow l still die from out of no where and even when l spot an enemy, l either miss or don’t even get to shoot because the moment l leave cover to shoot another enemy gets me before l have time to shoot. l’m considering giving up but cant go through with it because of the hundreds of hours that l already have invested in the game.

another German main here going on my 8th year of war thunder. aside from getting a mouse ill tell you a little secret of how us German mains play…

first you gotta stay behind the team, we have some of the best optics, guns and armor so let the others do their work up close, never take point unless you are the breakthrough heavy for the group of tanks you are pushing forward with.

second you also have to get a feel for specific vehicles. things like what type of ammo you use, how much of it you carry, what other vehicles are in your lineup etc are all important factors to get kills and win. for example my current favorite is the leopard 2a7v. with this vehicle I never EVER take point, I always let those crazy soviet mains go up close while I hang back and get the kills. this strategy has been very successful for me, I believe I have around 6-800 battles in it resulting in a 72% win rate, 500 +/- deaths and over 1,100 kills.

third you could also be spawning away from the large groups of players. always try and go for the most popular spawns and push the popular bases and snipe from a distance, let the team spot and take all the shots while you sit back and have some fun.

if you have any questions about the German tech tree I have most of the aircraft and all of the tech tree ground vehicles as well.

edit: an afterthought after I hit post, some German vehicles are genuinely trash like the the 7.7 marder, that thing is useless unless you’re supporting a maus or another group of heavies

Alright thanks for the feedback. I honestly do most of what you say and hang back behing allies because l’m too scared of dying when l get up close. l still feel like l’m doing something wrong. Struggling to get 1 kill every 5 games compared to arcade where l usually get at least 3 kills per game is somewhat depressing.

i sent you a friend request. you are a new player! dont sweat bro when you get to around level 60-70 i promise ya youll be getting loads of kills my friend. just need more gameplay hours and a cheap mouse will help

im clocking out of WT for this evening but if you want to play any with me ill be chat banned for the next 22 days unfortunately :(

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This is often an issue with many new players who join, they quickly progress though the tech tree, which means they lose valuable information. Always spade your vehicles and such at your own pace, do not skip any. While this isn’t the quickest solution it would certainly help a lot.

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I am not here to offer any “real” help because I do not play ground RB.

But I AM here to tell you that it’s good to see that someone you are herr to try to understand what’s happening and to try to be better. That alone already makes you better than most.

Keep that attitude. Not just in game but outside of it too

Thanks, l appreciate your kind words.

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I’ll share a tip… when possible don’t stop moving when you’re engaged with another tank. If you shoot him and stay still waiting for your reload he will often have time to turn and shoot you so keep moving. Similarly, if you get shot don’t just sit and wait for the next hit. Often you can buy time for your gunner to be replaced or an ally to save you by ramming your attacker or just moving enough that he doesn’t get a good kill shot in. Don’t give up.

the only time i would use a track pad over mouse is with a macbook trackpad.