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Russians are Europeans… Maybe you should not play on european servers?
They have Russian servers, what do I play if I don’t play in Europe? American servers?
I dont care, its you who seems to have a bad experience playing on european servers
has game in simplified Chinese bro shuddup
I like to annouce my public support for Asian servers
there are SA servers, they just wont play on them
Are you sure there are SA servers? I can’t find it under the list of avaiable servers for me :(
I wouldnt go that far but asia does have their own servers but not one dedicated to the Chinese anymore. its so bad that the Australian players tolerate the bad lag of EU to keep away from china servers, my friends from hong kong does the same as Chinese players are often less sportsmanly from my own experiences
only available to be selected if youre in asia or oceana
Ah, I see
We will not lock server for players from specific region/country.
If someone TK you, you can report him via in game complain system.
If you want to discuss TK policy, please use pinend thread in General Discussion.