Please fix the battle ratings

Dear War thunder

I just wanted to see if yall can fix the battle ratings, ive been playing the game for 5 or 6 years now and for almost 5 or 6 years ive been up tiered. It doesn’t really matter to me what tanks or planes battle ratings you change. When I have 6.0 in my line up it means I want to play 6.0 and not 6.7. Please do something about this or just please try not to make it happen so much if yall are able to.

Sincerely, Bread

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Are you for real?

You should put it on paper so you can get a nobel prize in math by showing a system that somehow only gives everyone up tiers

I think he’s for real real

If y’all read properly especially his last line, he meant

Equal amount of both things, to make it more bearable? Instead of shitting on him, not everyone here is an English speaker bro

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I just think his whining is so ridiculous that I was unsure if he was actually serious.
I mean - he says he’s been playing WT for 5-6 years.


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6.0 is indeed 80-90% of the game being 6.7 and 7.0, pretty clear what he meant. Then he suggested that “at least not too much”, we can confirmed that he meant uptier is ok as long as it isn’t too frequently? Might want to explain why do y’all think it is ridiculous lol because me personally think it is perfectly reasonable request? Mods might chime in eventually and say this is mathematically impossible due to the number of players in queues and matchmaking time.


Thanks for not making fun of my dyslexia and for understanding.

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Short version…ALL BRs in the match are players, so in every match you have a MAXIMUM of 4 players (on each team) that are top tier…and then 12 players that are uptiered…some by 0.3 others up to 1BR. SO yes…every match 75% of the players are uptiered a bit…BUT it also means you have LOTS of enemies at your BR.

In the 6.0 example…you should have 7.0 to 6.7 games around 50% of the time…and 6.3 to6.0 the other 50%. The limit of 4 top tier actually skews this a bit…but it is NOT 80% on either side. It may FEEL that way because players feel losses more than wins.

There was data available from players that proved this…unless you are on some very specific BR/nation combo OR you are very very unlucky…you will be fully uptiered a bit over the 25% mark…up to 30% is my experience.

AND AGAIN…the guys above your BR are also players…and this is why devs often “dont believe” the 80% claims…as it is NOT POSSIBLE for 80% of the players to be uptiered by +1. Imagine a game where you have a few 7.0s and a lot of 6.0s…it never happens…