Idk, I’ve seen an heard everywhere the same complaints I have as a British main. Tanks seem to be worse at every aspects (mostly br 7.7+) opposed to German 8.3 line-ups or USSR. Unreliable and broken apds, minimal post-pen action, slow, non effective armor, weak IFV’s, SHELL SHATTERED. Of course there are expections like the Action X (which of course is a premium)…
I usually don’t mind playing non-meta vehicles, I actually prefer not to because it bores me the fk out, but it seems to be the inconsistency in these tanks that kills me. Can someone look into this? Or relate to this at all?
It’s probably because one of the dev’s favorite teams lost a sporting match to some British team in the past, but Gaijin hates Britain… that’s why they are like they are.
I do find that British tanks like the Centurions feel like what tanks should drive like. They lumber along, while other tanks seem to be a bit more sporty, like the T-54/55 or Leopards.
The British 8.3 lineup is very interesting yet not the most practical vehicles to use. Examples are Swingfire, Warrior, Falcon, Striker, Fox, ZA-35 and Vickers Mk.3 makes a good ground lineup, for air you can consider Javelin F.(A.W.) Mk.9 for air superiority and Scout AH. Mk.1 is also a option for air-to-ground engagements.
If you understand that ‘shell shatter’ is a thing, is most than time to use it in a proper moment, leaving it as a secondary ammunition, focusing on proper ammunition that can deal with angles, if possible solid armor piercing shells are a good option as a primary ammunition.
Eh… for 8.3 specifically, probably better off with something like the Canberra Mk6 :D
I dont personally find the Javelin all that suited for the CQB dogfighting that is required from GRB and it has no options for CAS at all. If you bump up to 8.7 with the Chieftains, then things like the Scimitar, Swift F7, Venom FB4, etc all become rather viable options