Please fix AIM-7
AIM-7F is completely unreliable. It can’t even track the easiest target. In the replay you can see my missile went for my teammate even though I had a proper lock on the enemy jet. (5:05)

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Wrong replay? You’re dead at 3:25 in this one.

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I didn’t check the replay, but it looks like you need to fix that per another reply.

That being said, I second this. The AIM-7F is very broken. The missiles will not track and their random behavior is getting really annoying.

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I have changed the link

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+1 I just finished grinding the JAS-39C for UK with the Tornado F3 and have to say the Skyflash Supertemp works far, far better than the AIM-7M. Something has to be messed up with the sparrow cause they feel totally different when they probably shouldn’t