Obviously, they are “equivalent.”
With a premium account and 2 hours of gameplay a day on average [it can be less during weekdays and more during weekends], you can have top BR x tech tree within 2 months just using tech tree vehicles if you’re adequate… which while you are slightly below average in skill, you do have top BR Germany.
Thank you for the advice.
Every nation on the planet should be a subtree, as in always tied to a specific main tree. One of the single most important factors here is being able to run a given nation’s vehicles together.
If I could play Canadian lineups I’d actually grind and play high/top-tier. But because the devs decided all our stuff should be scattered to the four winds and fight themselves, I don’t.
WT is a much better handled game than the community tends to give it credit for, but undervaluing the motivational factor of being able to use “your own country’s” vehicles has been a massive misstep on the devs’ part.
South Africa and India is already alot in terms of sub trees. Its enough, other nations have nothing like this.
the simple solution is gajin abonding the concept of nation line ups and allow mixed line ups
mix and match in that case if you wanna play canada use the leos of canada which are in the german tree. the lavs which are in the US tree and the adats from the UK tree.
The simple answer to your dream line up would always just be grind another tree.
the whole matter of OP Spaas/CAS etc would end as well since you can just borrow from another nation
I swear this forum thread is a literal echo chamber. The guy is responding to everyone who disagrees with him. But praising those who share his sentiment.
As a human being, I hold an opinion. I agree with some and disagree with others, but I do respond to those I disagree with; would you rather me ignore them? You and others who play this game are too quick to make unnecessary and inflammatory comments.
Im not for adding leos to the brits, but if you think the challengers are anything close of an equivalent to a leo i don’t know what to tell you.
Haha, funny man.
We don`t need more copy and paste Leopards
While Challenger 2s aren’t meta, they are still competitive.
Can Challenger 2 pen UFP? No. Can it still deal with Leopard 2s otherwise? Yeah.
Objectively speaking driving a Leopard 2A7V requires less reaction time than a Challenger 2; outside the reaction time difference, both have the capabilities to play the BR. You just need better reaction time than the Leo 2 player.
This way we are gonna experience Sherman/T-80U sindrom…
Leopards in Germany
Hungarian Leopards in Italy
Finnish Leopards and Strv 122 in Sweden
Dutch Leopards in France
Canadian Leopards in UK
captured Leopards in Russia
Singaporean Leopard in China/Japan
and so on…
I see no reason to arbitrarily stop at 80% of your list. I am also not opposed to Singapore going to Japan or China; I would encourage it.
Tbf at least Swedish Stridsvagns made sense seeing as they’re in use with the Swedish military, Canadian Leopards are entirely unneeded and would end up going down this slope. At some point in time this ends up with the most unrealistic top tier matches where everyone and their grandmother has a leopard
That’s not a discussion that’s an argument. An argument is arguing with people you disagree with and refusing to agree with any point they make and that’s what you wrote. It’s a simple case of trying to silence the criticism.
No, I did not silence anything. I never attempted to prevent someone from disagreeing with me. Also, I am not required to agree with something that I actually disagree with. I don’t understand what you are trying to establish with that position.
I don’t agree with the arbitrary line in the sand. Either they are exclusive to the explicit nations that operates them, such as Germany and Sweden. Or they are added in sub-trees where, at least by Gaijin’s standard, remotely appropriate, such as Italy and France. Otherwise it remains very selective treatment.
My big issue with Canadian leopards is that they feel moreso unneeded in the British TT, although I am not completely against them being in the game. I feel that Gaijoob would end up using a logical selection process so we don’t end up with American MiGs and Russian Leopards but nonetheless it remains a slope for unnecessary additions
Ukrainian, Turkish, or Greek Leopard in America alongside UAE leopards in Israel
Addressing a few considerations: Ideally the Canadian leopards exist in the Vickers line, and that line ends with the Mk7 (a vehicle on the Leopard chassis) and would be appropriate since that line does not continue to full top tier, alteady posses a quasi leopard, and would be appropriate per nation since Canadian vehicles already exist in the tree and that Canada maintains the close ties with Britain that would mske it an entirely appropriate addition to the tree. Whereas American Migs and Russian war trophies do not have those legitimizing factors when viewed in the totality.