Showing player ID results in under 5 ‘players’ having a username, am I correct in thinking the other 27 or so ‘players’ are bots?
You are not correct, there are currently no AI bots in Ground battles. You can actually check users of the battle in the replay section on the official game website:
It looks like you face many console players:
See these @live
and @psn
names? These are console accounts, but they are real players.
There are sometimes AI bots in Naval game mode. They are always listed in the replay section:
The 16v16 battle above had 9 players + 7 AI bots vs 9 players + 7 AI bots.
They are also relatively easy to recognize in battles. They always have simple names, have no squad or squadron and never gain any score. They are always at the bottom of the scoreboard.
Extreme example of multiple AI bots in the battle:
Look at this scoreboard and try to figure out who is the AI bot and who is the real player. It’s actually very easy.
Thanks for the reply, perhaps another way to ask the question would be why do so few ID numbers have names attached to them?
Because in game Options → Privacy and Confidentiality, you have “Hide player nicknames” set to “Display User ID”:
Just switch this setting to “Without changes” to see the real nicknames of all players.