Planned Battle Rating changes for the month of October

I disagree with the changes of br in the tiger E and in the is 2 they are fine in the br that are uploading one more of br they are lost, the tiger in br 6.0 would not come out 6.0 it would come out 6.7 or maximum 7.0 and it happened to me in that br that came out in br 7 I wouldn’t have any chance and that would happen to is 2 too, unfortunately gaijin is killing the land battles and it shows that he doesn’t play the game and doesn’t fish for the community , the br changes that should be made are those of obj 279 from br 8.7 to 9.3 or increase the br vidar more, not leaving it at 8.0 but at 8.7, that’s just there are many tanks that are They are losing with the increase in br and people are not going to consider them in their squads and with br 5.0 to 5.7 one of the best br in the game they would kill him with this change

Agreed. I think both the JPz 4-5 and the LeK should be at 7.0. It is insane that the 4-5 is at a lower BR than late WW2 tank destroyers.


I just want to express my disappointment over 2 things. Don’t get me wrong I am all for balancing the game however…

1.) I purchased the t 69 II G recently specifically because it was at 8.7 BR to play it in a specific line up. This isn’t a new vehicle it has been out for a long time. Now its being changed after it was sold to me like 1 week ago at 8.7 BR. I don’t think its really fair in that sense to sell something to us and then make a change 8 days later, especially when its an old vehicle. It doesn’t sit right with me, I feel like I got fucked over in a sense because what I purchased for what I wanted to do is not what it is 8 days later. Im probably going to be way more hesitant before I purchase something again…

2.) The second problem I have is with the constant BR changes completely destroying my line ups and progress I have on certain vehicles which are on specific slots and working towards ACE qualification. As someone who buys expert qualification for every vehicle I play before I play it (so I can work towards ACE immediately) the constant BR changes without universal crew training / qualification progress have just become EXHAUSTING. It also limits what game modes players have access too and are willing to play. There are 3 modes (arcade, sim, and realistic) each with their own BR ratings. Please improve quality of life, players are suffering every balance patch having to repurchase qualifications and loosing countless hours of progress towards ACE. Let us move vehicles around to all crew slots one we have purchased the training. Let the qualification to ACE be universal and shown on the research tree. I think this will make players feel a lot more positive about balance changes rather than feeling like their line ups and progress just got obliterated. Its super disheartening and demotivating to come back after work to see positive changes (balancing) affecting you so negatively.

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Lot of these ground battle rating changes are missing the core problem with compression, you guys need to raise the max BR to 13.0, 14.0 or something similar, otherwise these will not solve anything.

For example you move Tiger to 6.0 which is a good overall so 4.7 don’t have to face it, but now good luck fighting things like IS-3, T95… Same goes for M26, IS-2 etc.

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Please nerf A-6E TRAM & A-10 to 11.0


Ok so here is my version since you so adimitly defend soviet vehicles

T34 (1941): 3.7 great armour why is this still 3.7 why not 4.0?
Kv-1: need to go up to 4.0
Kv 85: needs 5.0
Su-85: Fast enough with some pretty trolly armour with 85mm gun at 4.3 go to 4.7
Is-1: 5.7 or 6.0
Pt-76: 5.3 with full stab and HEAT-FS move that thing to 6.0
Su-122-54 & Object 268: Both are still 6.7 with HEAT-FS, how about move them both to 7.0 or 7.3
Is-3: super OP at 7.0 gajin should nerf it to 7.3
Objekt 279: Super OP at 8.7 how about nerfing it to 9.0
2S25M: stupidly OP at 10.0 with best thermals and 125mm 3BM46. Move it to 10.7
T72 Turms: Still 10.0 with the best round and thermals move it to 10.3
2S38: 10.0 op gun move it to 11.0
T-90A: Is 10.7 and still uses the best round, move it to 11.0
T-80UM2: 11.0 but has great armour and mobility move it to 11.3
T72B3: Has best round move it to 11.7
T-80U: Has great mobility move it to 11.7
T-80UK: same as above. move it to 11.7

Mi-24V: 8.7 isnt enough due to ballistick computer, move it to 9.0
Ka-50: is still op and gets spammed should be max BR 11.7

Like im just using your arguments

and yes im being sarcastic on some of these since i have soviets up to 10.3


if you do those changes WHY you done the other changes in br… before 2 months? those changes will not help …
what about to change the German flakpanzer 341 … to 7.0 + the tiger 2 10.5 kwk… and the panther 2?? that stuck in lower brs… and are powerful?
why i dont see a br change to the KV1 B and the KV1 E that are over powered for their br… and constant face lower br tanks… that cant pen them.
any of the US tanks cant go higher… as the M26 … that is ok. for that br… and if it goes to the 6.7 will loose more…
what about give back the stabilizer to T25 and give people something to take it for a spin???

the 90% of those changes are bad… i can say… even the lower br of the G6…
what good AA options have all the nations except the Germans at 3.7 to 5.0 ??? nothing… really nothing.

my suggestion is not change any br… of those you propose… and look to change the br on op tanks that people cant have… like the ones that i mentioned…

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I honestly thought you were being sarcastic about the SLA, but since it doesn’t seem to be the case I will say for you to don’t waste your time looking for replays since I haven’t played it since the last major patch so you wont find any replays. But the gameplay is just pushing strong positions that you would push with any other tank, nothing miraculously elaborated. The gameplay in this game is mostly up to knowing good routes at the maps and having good awareness, you can repeat it with most tanks and it will work just the same (obviously you can try something different if you have much higher mobility than the enemies but it’s not the case for like 99% of the tanks in the game).

If you want to learn by watching other people playing you should look up for BPA_Jon on Twitch, he’s much better than me. And he will probably play the Tiger II H for you if you request with channel points.

A-7D and E to 11.0? With their current armaments?
Well aren’t you a bozo lmfao

both planes are worst than the su 25 and su 39 why to go higher in br? are not so good …

they are op

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4.3 AA is in the awkward spot of being used up t 7.7, so thats no difference to before. And those AAs are too strong for 4.0. You can’t down BR a tank just because it struggles in a higher BR lineup

Their amount of guided bombs and orbital strike capability makes them easily 11.0. Sure in Air Battles they don’t belong at 11.0… so we need seperate plane BRs for Ground Battles already


let me disagree…if the players did not quit after 1 tank … and you left alone… those airplanes will be toast.
if there are op… is that you have bad teams… that you believe that are op… those 2 are not… especially the A-6 that is heavy slow… and the only advantage is that can hover high…
the su 25/39 are more dangerous and more op… cause they have unguided missiles that hit you like 2 trucks… + russia has the Ka50 and Ka52 the most over powered helis on the game.

Dont see any sense of increasing BR of 11.0 Helis with Hellfires, if you are not increasing BR of soviet Helis. With new fog effect at which You are not able to lock a target Its very hard to hit a moving target from any range, doesn’t matter its 3 or 7 km.

Ah, my apologies. Yes, I was actually being serious. One of the reasons why I started commenting on the forums was that I felt like I’ve picked up the “low hanging fruit” and I’m finding it difficult to take the next step, if that makes sense, and I thought this might be a good place to find better players to ask questions to. This game is surprisingly devoid of documentation and advanced guides, and even looking up information about, say, which players do best with which vehicle is basically impossible. That’s why I opened this thread a while back, for example.

This part, I get. For example, I’ll play Advance To The Rhine more or less the same way at more or less any BR. But there are other circumstances where I feel like there are specific nuances - which pieces of cover you actually can and can’t use, or the judgement calls like when to move, or when to sit still. Based on my interactions with friends who are better at this game and regularly drop nukes with their Tiger IIs, I would tentatively say I’m not aggressive enough with them, but usually when I do try to play them more aggressively it doesn’t end well. They’re far less nimble than a Tiger I, for example (to go with a tank that I usually know how and where to push/flank with).

Thanks for the recommendation, I’ll give it a look. I also like Herrman The German’s videos, he’s very good with German WW2 tanks. Those definitely taught me a lot about situational awareness and keeping your eyes on a swivel at all times.

F4C at 10.0 an su25bm with r73 going to 11.0 yes no problem whatsoever


AIM-9L shouldnt face 9.0+ Aircrafts & CAS is too op in Ground RB.

A-6E TRAM & A-10 need go to 11.0!


Is good to see how finally the KV-1 zis 5 and KV-85 are moved up.

Now some suggestions for RB “ONLY”.

Ratel 20 (6.7 to 7.3)- Basically the weapon selection as Marder but in 6.7??? mouse guide Milan plus 20mm vs 5.7 tanks… cmon.

M51 (6.0 to 6-7) - 400 mm HEAT against KVs, Jumbos, etc etc is excellent sniper tank can defeat frontally T-54s , all tanks armed with his same cannon was moved up in the last BR update now is his time.

T25 (6.3 to 6.0) - Since his lost the stabilizer is not more a 6.3 material.

.Some other changes.

Tiger 1H/Animal Tiger and Japanese Tiger. -Add extrarmor module and remove the completely useless S-mines launchers prevent von van angled the tank and block your main gun, this nerf is not nededed anymore now they goes to 5.7.

M26 and Italian M26 “Ariete” - Add more powerfull rond M82, they need it in 6.7 for sure.

Jagdtiger - Increase his reload speed, is ridiculous how with 2 loaders and big spce casamate need higher reload speed than some russian tanks with a similar weight shells but in small cand cramped space and with only 1 loader.

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almost good but:
M42 contraereo: either you keep it at 3.3 or you add back the other crew member you removed a while back when you downtiered it and you put it 3.7
Vrcc, centauro and the T129 should remain at the actual br, an uptier would be bad as they already struggle at their battlerating