he wouldn’t be broken because of the speed, he uses delta wings if he tries to turn he loses a lot of speed, and remember he has a low acceleration at mach 0.8
GRB, Veak-40, 7.7 > 8.7, HE-VT re-added.
Look. Let’s just accept that Veak-40 without HE-VT is practically useless against planes, unless the target is flying right at you at a distance <2km. It’s radar isnt even THAT great either. You can’t really do anything as an AA playing this thing after it’s HE-VT was removed.
I agree, if alot of the other powerfull 9.3 and 9.7s go up I can support the Airette (plane) going to 9.7
And what I’m saying is that it doesn’t warrant a BR of 7.3 either.
Eh, its kinda fine at 7.7 but nobody uses itnthere since there is no real lineup. Its why people skip the 8.0 lineup also and just go for 8.7 since itbhas a good lineup and decent spaa. Id rather see the tridon come in at 8.0
Air Realistic, Buccaneer S.2B.
10.7 > 9.7 (remove AIM-9L)
At this BR it would be a sidegrade to the Jaguar GR.1, with no guns and less maneuverable, but with flares and more bombs. At 10.7 its really subpar, as the bases are already destroyed before you get to them.
the kfir canard had no br change, okay.
In my opinion, could add F-14A (1998) BR 12.7 for ARB & ASB, located in a folder before F-14B but F-14A Early stay battle rating 12.3
Maybe F-14A (1980) with IR AAM AIM-9H & AIM-9L, SARH AIM-7E-4 & AIM-7F and AIM-54A. but retain AN/AWG-9 radar and Pratt & Whitney TF30-P-414A engine
GRB, Strv M42 D/T, 5.0 > 5.3.
No idea how it keeps avoiding br changes. Good shell, GREAT reload, great vertical traverse degrees, decently-good mobility. It can absolutely dog on the VK3002, Chi-ri, Sherman VC, and other mediums at this BR.
Then Lightning F6 to 9.0 then. As it looses all speed if you try to turn and the Red Tops can be defeated instantly by turning even slightly. The 30mm ADENs have extremely short range due to high ballistic drop.
F-104 to 9.0 then because it also cannot turn at all, it is limited to flying in straight line
Looking at the rest of the comments others seem to disagree, but I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree.
They lack wing slats
Su-27SM with 4x Kh-29TDs and 1x KAB-1500KR is pretty good.
The Su-24M is also pretty decent, along with the KA-52s, Ka-50s, Mi-28NMs, MiG-27K / MiG-27M, SU-25BMs, SU-39s and SU-25Ts.
F8U-2 10.0 to 10.7. because its better than most 10.3-10.7. It claps anything at 10.0 and below with 4 aim9D, supersonic plane and 60 flares? It needs to go higher
Instead of lowering the Su-27 and J-11 to 13.0, I would like to see a change to increase the BR of the current 13.3 and 13.7 aircraft.
As long as these two aircraft have R-27ER, they should not be set to the same BR no matter how F-15 and JAS39 have powerful radar and AIM-9M, they are not enough to make up the difference in BVR.
It is clear that if this BR change is made, we will be back to the distorted situation before the “Seek & Destroy” update.
It may not be as great of an SPAA as the ZSU-37-2, but I guarantee you that its anti-tank capabilities are being slept on.
Why are you trying to turn fight in a F104 in the first place, its made for BaZ, the FM nerf doesn’t affect it much if you just BaZ (Boom and Zoom)
He is claiming the Mig-21F-13 is 9.0 worthy because it has weak AAMs and then that its barely supersonic because it looses speed when it turns.
If that is true for the Mig-21F-13 its true of the F-104 and Lightning F6
Air RB, Kfir Canard . 11.3 > 11.0. This plane doesn’t have much counter measures and has pretty bad missiles to fight even with MIG-23.