Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

Give DM33 to Leopard 2a4 and 833 round to M1


For use in Air Realistic?
The ground realistic BR is separate now so it really shouldn’t matter for air BR.

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Air/Naval - Il-10 (all) - 5.0 > 4.3

Just like it’s Il-2 predecessor it’s predominantly a close range attacker and at 5.0 simply stands no chance in naval, and 4.7 won’t fare much better. With its weak bombload (just 2x 250kg) it can’t double up as a high altitude bomber.

M26E1 should be 6.3, it has no place being same BR as King Tiger and T26E1-1 which are better in every way


Air RB, Sagittario 2, 9.3 > 9.0

Should not be the same BR as the Ariete, which has superior thrust, acceleration, and climb. It has no chance in a full uptier to 10.3 against all aspect missiles. Ariete barely does.


JAS39A has 9Ms and Skyflashes with over 600CM vs F-16MLU with 9Ls and 7Ms and still only 60 CM.
Please sell me what you are smoking to justify thinking they are equal lol


Ground RB, AH-6M Little Bird. 10.3->10.0. Currently it has same BR as OH-58D Kiowa Warrior (comparison of these two vehicles goes next) despite not having AAMs, worse gunner camera placement (below cockpit VS over the blades), worse max optics zoom (19x VS 36.8x), 12.7 mm GAU-19 machine gun has severe bullet spread in stock (would be nice to make it less severe), generally it would be great br-wise to fill the 10.0 helicopter gap.

Air Realistic Battle. F-4J (UK) 12.0 > 11.3
F-4J (UK) constantly gets up tiered and has to face F14s, F15s and F16 who all have much better radars, long- range missiles and better flight performance.


Air RB, F-4C. 10.3 (proposed) > 10.7 or 11.0

This vehicle will never be truly fixed by simply changing the BRs, as it is a high-performance aircraft that also lacks countermeasures.

Put it too low: it will be overly oppressive in downtiers.

Put it too high: it will meet all-aspect missiles and be defenseless

My proposal is to rename the aircraft to F-4B (next to no changes to visual model required), add countermeasures, add AIM-7E. With actually useable missiles and flares it would be able to sit at 10.7 or 11.0 in Air RB, which is lower than F-4E, but still capable enough to be worth playing.


LoL I do actually m60 AOS one of my best vehicles, although I do now realize I mixed up whats at that br so yea

Yes I support.

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Vehicle: Phantom FG1
Gamemode: Air Realistic
BR Change: 12.0 ----> 11.7
Reason: It has one of the worst A2A weapon loadouts at that BR and is being carried by the fact it has decent engines and slightly more CMs than most. But VS equivalent F4s like the F4S, it stands no chance, let alone aircraft on its own tree like the Tornado F3 that is universally better in almost all respects at the same BR.

(Add Aim-9Ls to the Phantom FGR2 and leave it at 12.0)



R2Y2 V1/V2/V3 (lumping them together since differences are minimal, they all play the same, and all 3 been moved in BR together in the past, I’ll be more than glad to rewrite this as three different posts if needed)

8.0 → 7.3

With the Korean War-era jets moved down recently, the R2Y2s are facing unreasonable opposition:
Against which its outdated airframe and underpowered engines simply cannot compete. Its guns have also been nerfed in the last few months, so its firepower is much more unreliable now.


Ground RB, A-10C: 12.0 → 11.7 (could even be 11.3, but let’s start with small steps)

It’s a bad platform which means that it’s weapons don’t have a lot of range, making it an easy snack for SPAA like the Pantsir or even TOR/ItO. It’s laughable that it’s the same BR as the AV-8B+ and higher than the F-111F. Both of these aircraft are way better than the A-10C, no amount of weapon variety is going to change that.


Air RB, Re.2005, 6.0 > 5.7

The move up to 6.0 has proven to be a mistake. Too slow for this BR. Outmaneuvered by many planes it sees in a full downtier. Yes, it has good armament, but every aircraft at this BR is packing powerful 20 mms.


Air Realistic Battles, SAAB J35XS. 11.0 > 10.7.

The plane has bad guns with bad positioning and low ammo capacity, bad flight model, average rear-aspect missiles, no RWR (which is essential for situational awareness in up tiers), very limited countermeasures.

With all these bad qualities, this plane is planned to be set at the same battle rating of Mig-21 bis platforms which carry 6 all aspect IR Missiles, SARH missiles, RWR and decent amount of countermeasures.

This simply doesn’t make sense. Please reduce the battle rating of the J35XS to 10.7 or even 10.3 considering many of its competition is also going down.


but u cant meet any kingtiger at 6.3 now bruh

Air Sim, both flanker B . 13.3 > 13.0. This happened to air rb, should also apply to air simulator.


It would be nice to differentiate the planes a bit.

Take FG.1 to 11.7 and leave as is.

Keep FGR.2 at 12.0 and give it AIM-9L.


Yeah, but you can replace 2 AIM-9, for 6 AGM-65, which can be locked onto people coming head-on.

I made people fear me with such “tricks” as the AGM-65 is showing as any Missile threat.

I admit also that not having Fox-1 is hard,… but at 12.7 the AIM-9L would be enough to deal a lot of kill.

Also the problem of the 9L remains as the F-16A Flight Model is too good to be set at 12.3 with 6x AIM-9L.

Or, we go down to 12.0 and only get access to AIM-9J’s