Thats what im saying, the kf41 isnt very good where it is now because of up tiers to 11.7 and lack of a 10.7 lineup, moving it up to 11.0 its technically staying in the same bad spot its already in, the better option for the kf41 and the spike puma would br for them to stay at 10.7 where they may actually be played because of a lineup. I agree with the decompression but the kf41 in particular shouldve been 10.3 for a long time now but its just being ignored because not many people use it
Yes but with the missiles the C has 8.7s have no chance. We dont need more OP (mirage IIIC missiles, not the plane lol) 9.x is already compressed way to much.
Were honestly at the point where SPAA has no purpose, aside from the oantsir and Tor which can almost stand a chance. I can attack ground targets from 20km away they cant hurt me. CAS needs to either be massively nerfed or all spaa needs to be buffed to match the CAS fighter available. Nobody actually pulls spaa if they have a ARH fighter. The only problem then comes to if the enemy has a Pantsir and you fly after the enemy CAS, its a bad situation
Gaijins more likely to just sell another premium instead of fixing it.
Yeah i agree with this, honestly why im hoping italy and germany get the osa, sadly russia probably would too but the otosadsht and the roland truck are at this point a waste of time to use, idk what other countries could get spaa wise other than some type of aim120, aim9x, or patriot missile system
Russia didnt get the Tor and the 2S6 takes the spot for where the OSA would be
IRIS-T launch platforms for almost all Nato countries
Well i know there is a humvee with aim120 on it which we already technically have those two things in the game, nintendo humvee and aim120a/b on jets
A-A1AMX 10.7 Realista aereo!! pls gaijin
11.3 impossible to play
Plane - French/belguin Meteor F Mk8
Mode - GRB
BR - 8.0 → 7.0/.3
Reason - France has no decent plane for ground support at 7.0/7.3 and the Metor F mk8 is limited in ground support with only 8 HE rockets, stopgap solution untill somthing can be provided in its place.
Initial D humvee*
Tank - Challenger 2 TES/OES
Mode - GRB
BR - 11.7 → 11.3
Reason: The Challenger 2 OES and TES are almost identical, they are among the worst 11.3 tanks ingame at the moment and are now going to 11.7 for some reason. It would be better to keep them at 11.3 where they will compete with tanks like the Leopard 2A7 which completely outclass them less often.
They are extremely slow and their armour has large weakspots, they are not 11.7 material.
If the OES moves to 11.7 it will be completely worthless as a premium.
BR Suggestion:
Sea Hawk FGA.6 (UK)
Current BR: 8.0
Suggested BR: 7.7
Reason: It doesn’t even have the Sidewinders that Seahawks in the Benelux or German Tree have. It does not deserve to be the same BR as them as well as MiG-15s, which are objectively better in terms of flight performance.
I like the idea of adding a higher br ceiling to ground but 12.0? that’s not going to do much of anything. if they really wanted to decompress ground add 13.0 or higher.
if the m1a1 hc’s get m829a2 could the m1a2s or just the seps get m829a3
Definition of japans ground low mid tier fr.
Tbf moust japanese low mid tier ww2 tanks are overtiered by at least that 0.3 br not just Chi-nu, exactly like the meme says gaijin does not really care how good the vehicle is. But because japan low mid tier is usally played only by experienced players that left japan as their last nation to grind (exactly because its so bad) it has high statistics.
Aintnoway. The 2A4 is THE best 10.3 tank in the game right now, if the other 10.3’s move, it goes with them.
Challenger mk2/3 staying quite as it becomes the best 10.3 in the game on long range maps. Although the object 292 puts a stop to that.
The reload is pretty much average for that br, you have a 6.9 with just a decent crew, which is right under almost all soviet style autoloaders, only the m1 and the m60 120, and the challengers, for just 3 rounds, have a better reload.
Bwt how is the mobility not competitive with the mbt of the same br? You have 27hp/ton … thats basically one of the highest power to weight ratio that an mbt have in game, you only see ifv with similar or higher ratios.
In terms of firepower, I’d say the OTO is a good bit better shot-for-shot than the 9040C (both the darts and proxy fuse), but not >=1.0 BR better.
In terms of effective penetration, the OTO’s dart and the 2S38’s dart are fairly similar. In many cases, the extra 100mm of pen on the OTO’s dart doesn’t significantly alter the size or quantity of weakspots (unless it’s a British MBT, the Vickers and Challengers weakspots get quite a bit bigger, RIP).
In terms of matching SPAA capabilities to CAS capabilities, 10.3 might be closer to even (when guided munitions start to become more common), but any step down would be an improvement - it punishes anything that needs to hard commit to an attack… but most CAS have fire-and-forget munitions at that BR