Planned Battle Rating Changes for October 2024

arb, amx a-1. 11.3 > 10.7 Reason : jet slow,cant bomb base… phantomor fast jet always clear that base, piranha easy to flare…


ARB F-14B: please consider adding aim-9m to F-14B seeing it’s same br as Su-27, J-11 and higher than F-16A


2S38 10.3>11.7
For all intents and purposes it’s a HSTV-L with slightly less penetration, better survivability and triple the fire rate


Ground Realistic


4.3 → 5.0

With its defensive armaments being probably one of the best in the game for its BR, at the same time it is able to absorb a lot of damage compared to a lot of the other bombers of same BR, making it nearly impossible to kill it in one pass with a plane, making it that you either have to use a lot of time to get to an advantageous position again, or risk placing yourself in a position where you quite quickly will be killed, or at best crippled, making you need to go back to the airfield to repair. This in combination of it being able to carry the 5000kg bomb, that is able to destroy tanks through multiple buildings.


The early F104s still need to got up in RB!


amazing performance, good guns and faces much weaker props


Vehicle in question: Z-9WA
BR: 10.7>10.7 GRB

TY-90s has been nerfed multiple times. The vehicle already lacks a proper RWR, and an adequate AGM - it should not be superior to other 10.3, now 10.7 helicopters.


Air RB P-51H-5-NA 6.3-> 6.7 It does not matte that much since BR is focus on 6.0 and 7.0 but with Spitfire Mk 22 and 24 move to 6.7 and 6.3 P-51H should be comparable to spitfire Mk 24 and hence a 6.7 BR


yeah, 12000lbs is 5.3, so 5000kg won’t have a too low br

They’re already deserving of a BR step up with it’s current loadout, very much so. You’re saying a separate massive change/improvement in missiles (to the already great Fakour/Phoenix) doesn’t constitute any change in BR whatsoever?

Compression is as trash as it can be keep that in mind, but do you really want F-14s to still dominate 11.3 and 11.7 downtiers

Air & Ground Realistic

Spitfire Mk 22

6.7 → 6.3

The Mk 24 as it currently stands, is at a good BR, however the performance Between the Mk 22 and Mk 24 is so big that the Mk 22 should be moved down one BR bracket.


Ground realistic, Ajs-37 10.7 → 10.3.

Reason: It can only carry 3 agm65a and 2 aim9j’s with countermeasures. Compare this with the Ayit, A7d, Buccaneer S.2B and Hunter f.58 and you see that the Ajs-37 loudout is lacking. Other planes can carry more ordnance/bettter at a lower br. Only pro of the Ajs-37 is speed.


So now France has a 3.3 br gap at top tier , way to go Gaijin

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Air RB

F8U-2 10.0 → 10.3 or maybe 10.7

I have no idea why nobody talking about this broken OP.
Since wing ripping system was changed, F8U-2 is pretty cracked now.

Spam x4 AIM-9Ds, have CMs, pretty decent flight models.


high speed, while also being very good at lower speeds, good guns


I mean, the situation of the Leclercs is at least not getting any worse. They were already fighting top-tier tanks anyway, so that’s not changing.

The Arietes are also moving up in BR. I don’t have Italian top tier but I can definitely say the Leclercs are not suffering as much as those tanks lol

6.8s is not enough at all. The loading time of T-80 should be upgraded to 6s, and the loading time of ZTZ99 and T-90 should be upgraded to 6.6s


Kfir C.2 11.7 → 11.3
It’s the same jet as Kfir Canard, but with 2 all-aspect missiles


This shouldn’t move due to loadout but due to current modeling issues/placeholder parts it needs to

Vehicle: Sea Harrier FA2
Gamemode: Air Realistic & Air Sim
BR Change: 13.0 —> 12.7
Reason: The Sea Harrier FA2 has the same flight performance as the 9.7 Harriers but with a better engine. It is carried at its BR by the Blue Vixen Radar and AMRAAM. It should be fine at its current BR despite that fact, but has so many missing features and issues, that this simply isnt the case.

Prefered solution: Fix the Sea Harrier FA2

  • BOL is currently performing at 1/4 IRL performance (bug reports in for both BOL “flares” and BOL “Chaff”) and as such, leaves the Sea Harrier FA2 with extremely weak CMs that do almost nothing. Fixing BOL would give the FA2 a capable defensive suite of CMs
  • Placeholder RWR. The RWR on the FA2 currently marks all targets as “IPD” which is incorrect and it should fully ID all targets, giving you greatly increased situational awareness.
  • IR Signature is incorrect and isnanely hot. It is almost impossible to defeat most IR missiles in any Harrier due to this limiation but IRCCM missiles at the high BR the FA2 sits, forget it. The issue is the Thrust to flare ratio on all Harriers is extremely high and needs to be fixed
  • Placeholder HUD, the HUD on the FA2 is that from the Harrier Gr3 and has 0 relevant symbology. This leaves the FA2 totally blind in Sim and at a notable disadvantage. If the FA2s native HUD cannot be modeled by the next major update. Please replace the HUD with that from the Tornado F3, to give us at a minimum, the A2A symbology required for fair play