Planned Battle Rating Changes for February 2025

Sidam 25 Mistral, 9.7 > 9.3, GRB.

Retains every issue from the default Sidam, but gets Mistrals. Apparently that’s enough to make it 9.7 - Higher than SANTAL, which gets 12x missiles, radar, amazing mobility and smokes, aswell as scouting.


I dont agree tbh, worse flight model then the other F16s whilst having the worse derby missiles compared to the aim120 found on the C. 13.3 it will be solid choice but its about the same as the JF-17 (better then the SMT tho, but thats because its flight model sucks and needs to be fixed)

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Air RB
B-17E (Late)
5.0 > 4.7
It is much closer in performance to the B-17E than the G, and with the latter going to 5.0, the E (Late) should really go down to 4.7.


here I go again

2S6 Tunguska 10.7 → 11.3
Again what is the Tunguska still doing at 10.7?!?
I could understand it when it still had 18G missiles but “now” (which is over a year ago in update they were buffed to 32G’s.
It’s lower then the supposedly “OP” Type 81 (C) but now is better at pretty much everything:

  • similar missiles (both max range of 10km, similar max speed 910-955ms and similar maneuverability 32-35Gs)
  • 2x twin 30mm’s
  • search radar
  • gen 3 thermal’s
  • has armour to withstand MG’s

the only real downside is that the Tunguska’s missiles are no FnF missiles, but them being SACLOS also means that you dont need to wait for a lock, and a big advantage imo is that you can engage helicopter’s at your missiles max range, which the Type 81(C) (especially when they’re hovering at treetop level) can not do.

the Tunguska should be THE VERY LEAST be at the exact same BR as the Type 81(C).


Vehicle:IJN Agano
Gamemode: Naval Realistic
BR Change: 5.3 -----> 5.0
Reason: Despite its high firerate, it actually has a weaker fire rate than that of other light cruisers like USS Atlanta , and unlike those ships, the Agano has terrible penetration. Additional, it has almost no armour, making it extremely vulnerable to even destroyers. 5.0 is a more reasonable BR for it at this time


Somua is clearly fine at 7.7, char 25t and amx 50to90 are overtierred because they have access to aphe.


The AHEAD shells are not that powerful LMAO


Mode: Air Realistic Battles

Aircraft: F-84F (All)

Change: 8.3 → 8.0

Reasoning: The F-84F is a struggle bus with abysmal flight performance. It doesn’t perform well in dogfights, as it can’t turn, can’t accelerate, and can’t reach competitive speeds compared to its peers. Please lower the tier of non-US F-84Fs to give their air spawn back. It’s comical that the US F-84F is the only F-84F that has the airspawn.


Otomatic, GRB, 11.3 > 10.7.

It’s absolutely bleak at 11.3, overshadowed by every other missile SPAA at close BR’s to it. God forbid you use it at 12.0+.


F-16A 12.7 → 12.3

There’s absolutely no reason for the AMX A-1A to ever see this thing in a match.

Also why is the AMX A-1A still higher than the AMX? Only difference is the missiles but they are objectively worse since they track flares like a 9B


Vehicle: R2Y2 V3
Gamemode: Air and Ground Realistic
BR Change: V1 8.0 → 7.7

Reason: Like with the previous post, the same can be said here, it turns like a brick, acceleration is poor, only good thing about it is its 30mm guns
It can be really deadly if you head on it, but that is the mistake from the people fighting it


Vehicle: Harrier GR.3
Gamemode: Ground Realistic
BR Change: 9.7 ----> 9.3
Reason: The Harrier Gr3 is rather lacking in terms of performance when it comes to CAS and Britain has very little in the way of 9.7 line-up for ground. The Harrier Gr3 is weaker than the Buccaneer S2 already at 9.3 for CAS but would provide a stronger option for a CAP Fighter, which is a little lacking at that BR, with the only meaningful option the Hunter F1 on the TT or Hunter FGA9 if you have the premium.


F-105D to 9.7 as it is slower than an F-104 but only has 4 AIM-9E which are very easy to dodge kinematically, but with proposed lowering, it still puts the FLARELESS F-105D as able to see Su-25BM with R-73


Air Realistic battle, J35XS, 10.3>10.7. 6 Aim-9J, good maneuverability, good energy production, countermeasures. No reason this thing go lower than J-7D.


You will get the Fatter and you’ll like it

Air Realistic, A-7D, 10.3 > 10.0

At its BR it’s completely outclassed by every other strike aircraft. It has terribly weak engines which means it can barely take off when carrying bombs/rockets, it can’t climb well, can’t maintain speed in a turn, and it doesn’t have all aspect missile. Compared to something like the Su-25 there’s absolutely no reason to play it and it gets slaughtered by any fighter that it meets, even against 9.3 opponents it often can’t compete. Finally with the f-105d and f-4c moving down to 10.0 there’s no reason why the A-7D should be at a higher BR.


q5L (all modes) 9.7 → 9.7

change: ability to carry PL-2 air to air missile


Air realistic, B-17 E/L 5.0>4.7 . With B-17 G model moving to 5.0 E/L needs to move down since it has significantly worse engines, worse bomb load 6x1000lb instead of 8 and no option for 4000lb bombs and worse gunner defences. Similarly to other similar bombers it will share 4.7 battle rating with B-17 E since the differences between those aren’t as massive (slightly better defences with bit more weight)


T-80UD 10.3 → 10.7 its beyond me how this tank is still at the BR it sits at currently. A lot stronger than its peers on the BR and its definitely on par with something like a challenger DS


Ohh wow, that’s a sad little amount of changes, hmm as much as I want say the A-7 series I’m gonna say something else.

Naval, Realistic Battles

Ciclone class Torpedo Boat Ghibli, BR change 4.0 > 3.3 or lower

Shouldn’t be a shock given my forum thread in the Machinery of War section Naval, but the addition of this ship for the BR it’s at is just criminal & absolutely confusing to me & those I’ve spoken to in that thread (plus in other places, like external forums & discord).

It’s a ship worse than most starting destroyers yet costs as much as some Main Battle Tanks or Interceptors of the cold war or Battleships if we keep it close to the mode it’s used in yet this thing a wee little vessel from the second world war is 4.0???

The closest vessel is the Torpedo Boat Jaguar (1944) yet it keeps its third cannon something Ghibli doesn’t get & is 3.7, if the Ghibli was say as fast as the Raubtier class & had the third cannon maybe it could be a 4.0 but that would be pushing it.

This vessel needs to be lowered in BR for the sanity of the captains that have unfortunately researched it.

I feel due to the limited main armament it could be a 3.3 vessel & if not a 3.0 due to the exposed above waterline magazines that doom this ship currently more than most vessels around it especially from the heavy destroyers armed with up to eight cannons or the cruiser that out gun, out speed you, out armour you & out crew you ten fold.

And on an excessive length I wanna make a joke on this things current BR, yet I know what would happen if I say it here compared to in game heh hmm uuuugh…