Planned Battle Rating changes for April 2024

fox needed to go up
7.7 is pushign it 7.3 is alright
either way it actualyl moves up to a full lineup


Yeah this just feels so mean-spirited. Let italy have ONE competent ground attacker for once?!


Magach 5 ignored again, almost same performance as GER M48GA2.
Mig15Bis ISH 8.0?Are you serious?Compress Jet BR? Why?
M18 Black Cat doesn’t get engine buff, moved to 6.0? Fine, it’s not unacceptable.
Tiger II P and M26 still stay 6.7? Tiger II H/T26E5 and so on don’t change?
BMP1 to 8.0, SWE BMP should follow to 7.0.


Alright, easy list:

Correct ARL-44 ACL-1’s reload rate to be at least in line with the Sherman 75’s (they use the same exact ammo), From 7.5-9.75s > 5-6.5s (even tho it should be faster due to the mechanical assisted loader, but I digress)

RB: 3.7 > 4.0 (In-line with standard M4 Sherman 75)

Correct ARL-44’s reload rate to at least be in-line with the Tiger II, the tank it was designed to emulate, 10.0-13.0s > 7.5-9.7s (although again it should reload much faster than Tiger II, 5-6s due to the mechanical assisted loader, based on historical reports:

but I again digress)

RB: 5.3 > 6.0? (Suggested to move to Heavy/Proto line as it would hardly qualify as a TD at this point. In it’s place suggested to move M4 SA50 to TD line, as that is what it was irl and was only a prototype built to prove the concept for Israel. In it’s place could go M4A1 76 MDAP. I approve of all of these.)

Correct Char M4’s reload rate, 6.7s > 4s, based on historical documentation:

RB: 6.7 > 7.0

Correct reload rate of Foch, 14.90-19.37s > 5-6s, based on historical documentation:

RB: 7.3 > 7.7? (Can’t rly go any higher until we get more decompression)

Give Mephisto HOT-3 so it can actually be used in uptiers. AFT-09 already has tandem charge ATGMs at only 0.3BR higher. To quote the Wiki: “The HJ-9 is much deadlier than the HOT-2 however, with twice the flight speed, 25% greater raw penetration, and a tandem warhead, allowing players to be more aggressive.” It seems rather unfair that one gets such greater benefits for a barely higher BR.
Give Mephisto HOT-3!!!

RB: 8.7 > 9.0

That’s what I got for now.


Yep. I think it would be fine at 10.3, considering it has 1/3rd the missiles and worse dogfighting performance of the Draken at the same BR. Also has a highly offset gun pod. 9.7 is pretty ridiculous

Ostwind switches places with the Wirbelwind in the tech-tree.

Because 20mm cannons hit way to hard.

Why do you think they went with 37mm FlaK guns and considered the 20mm obsolete?

Because five or six 20mm == one 37mm hit but you get way more range with the larger caliber.

But nowdays you just need 1-2 20mm hits to kill a fighter. Making the 37mm redundant.

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For the love of jod, please dont move the mig15s/sabres down in br, move the f104, up instead


It’s good to move these 9.3 - 8.3 subsonic fighters down, but you forgot the Shenyang F-5.
CL-13B Mk.6 (Germany) gets from 9.3 to 9.0, Shenyang F-5 should also get, both are subsonic fighters with afterburner and AIM-9B


I wish… my baby the Hunter F.1 still faces All Aspects and uh… it dies. I cry and sob.

Funny old thing it didn’t get included in the changes that I can see

I get the Vulcan is an exceptional gun, but I know i’d much rather take something with flares, better missiles, very nice dogfight characteristics (I suppose you could say the T-2 with its high alpha is good in that sense… but uh yeah you do you)

The range is sufficiently bad I’d rather take 9Bs.

Exactly. Right now the Fox only has a lineup with the Conway (pain) and the Demolition Vehicle (AVRE, pray for a urban map)


it is, and has been ‘aknowledged’ for a while

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6.0 hellcats? this a joke or something? or are you just intent on ruining every good lineup the US has?

also, t-34 1941 at 4.0? you’re putting the tank with 45mm of frontal turret armor higher than the panzer 4 h because people dont know how to aim for turrets?

also, f-15 still 12.3 kekw


OTOMATIC to 10.3 with stock APFSDS, no missiles but in terms of Br its on par with the FlaRakRad, Pantsir, ADATS, Tor-M1, ItO 90M , and better than the 2S6(heavily under tiered), Type 81 (C), XM975, Lav-AD, FlaRakPz 1, and Gepard 1A2. It is nor on par or better than any of these.


The issue with the 2S38 is not taking kill, the issue is it lol-pens most of the armour where it is more than 300mm thick RHA, I died couple of times with my abrams from the middle of the turret cheeks. And it is somehow Overpressure proof, 155mm HE shell on its turrets, or side does nothing most of the time.
I dont think it should share the same BR with the Puma, half the penetration, with no HE-VT shell, just a bit more armour, which is not quite helpful against soviet MBTs.

Either 2S38 should go up and meet with the HSTVL, could be 11.0, or some kind of decompression needed to be done.


id call it a sidegrade, fired in range and not in a diving aspect while supersonic the Red top is practically undodgable, the AIM-9B is more a minecraft arrow with a proximity fuze anyone with any airspeed can dodge it easily

Why USS Atlanta still 5.3 RB?
And why SMS Elbing still 4.7 RB?


(RB) MiG-29 (9-13): 12.0 → 12.3 (give it R-73s, remove its R-27ERs)
The plane is very much dragged down by its extremely subpar IR missiles. The MiG-29 (9-13) could really use R-73s to become the SMT’s WVR-focused sidegrade, with worse avionics and no long-range missiles but better flight performance (and, soon, no R-77s, which would completely justify its lower BR).

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HSTVL is vastly superior to the Strf 9040C and 2S38.
2S38 should be 10.3, as it’s an Strf 9040C with more pen.
HSTVL is vastly superior to both though.


super hellcat +0.3. wtf, it’s not 60 hp that makes it op, it makes it playable.
m18 “black cat” +0.3. why since it doesn’t get the engine upgrade?!
zsu-37 -0.3. Remove it’s apcr!
btr152D +0.3. why?
bmp1 +0.3. Where is the atgm view for the konkurs?
amx30 dca +0.3. F off, there’s no way the itpsv (yeet it at 9.3, it’s op) isn’t better than it!
roland 1 -0.3. which one, the french or the german?

mirage IIIC -0.3. FINALLY!!!
Q5a +0.3. Why, because flares? Now it can face 10.3 without missiles and planes it can’t catch up…
mig 17 -0.3. NO NO NO NO NO!!! (lol 7.7 are gonna cry) Does that also includes the mig17AS?
ajs37 -0.3, yay a 10.7 viggen, good luck killing that in downtiers…


But it has worse mobility and literally no gun depression at all. I would not call it a complete upgrade over the bulldog I’d say it’s just a side grade. It’s very good but it also has some big downsides

Well they should model the seperate APFSDS drum before doing so.

And the just open up infinite APFSDS storage once thats done and put it at 10.3-10.7