Planned Battle Rating changes for April 2024

Leclerc S1 and S2 should be moved to 11.0, it’s impossiblre to face Leo2A7 or STRV122


fox going to 7.7?

I get why but its a shame


Here’s my personal feedback:

• Reduce the realistic battle BRs for the G.91Y and YS from 9.3 to 9.0 for the Y variant and from 9.7 to 9.3 the YS variant.
Reason: they’re currently hopeless in the meta since they constantly face all aspect missiles and they lack flares. Also they’re not supersonic and carry poor performing aim-9b (in the YS case) making them weaker compared to stuff like the Japanese T-2. Even the Ariete (BR 9.3) is better than a G.91Y/YS thanks to its superior acceleration, manouvrability and guns.

• reduce the realistic battle BRs for the SIDAM 25 and SIDAM 25 (Mistral). From 8.3 to 8.0/7.7 for the SIDAM 25 and from 9.7 to 9.3 the SIDAM 25 Mistrals.
Reason: the SIDAM 25 is awfully bad compared to the hungarian Shilka in the TT and sits at a higher BR. The Shilka is better compared to the SIDAM since it has a search radar (not the greatest but still useful), much more ammo and it’s more mobile. The Mistral variant is comparable to the PGZ04A wich sits at a lower BR (9.3) and it’s comparable with other similar systems in other nations wich have a lower BR. The Mistral at 9.3 could also improve the existing 9.3 lineup.

•reduce the realistic battles BR of the OTOMATIC from 11.3 to at least 10.3/10.7. It’s simply unfair to have it so high up compared to other vehicles which do its job much better (see LVKV-9040C or the 2S38), having a much smaller profile, better armour and survivability.

Pls Gaijin consider this BR changes and don’t skip them, these vehicles have been suffering for a long time and in fact are never seen in battles. They’ve been powercrept for a long time and it’s time to give them a second chance. Don’t just look at their statistics, since they’re not trustable considering they’re much less played compared to other vehicles thus compromising their real efficiency in battle. It’s time for a long awaited change 🙏


Idk maybe because is has like twice the firepower and the ability to have said firepower and still carry bombs??? It’s fine we’re it’s at, and this is coming from someone who plays it s good bit in air RB and Ground RB


I can see the idea with the subsonic jets around 8.7/9.0 being moved down to ease the compression there.
But why not change the matchmaker to 0.7 above and below instead.
That would fix the compression at every BR and for every nation. Its the easiest fix that we have been wanting for years now.

Maybe let us test it for a week or 2, then see how it does.

How do others feel about this, I would like to hear your voice too.


“How can we help Aircraft that suffer from BR compression without Fixing BR compression”

There is no way an A-5 sabre or a MiG-15 is equivalent to the Vampire FB4 of which i would liekly prefer bring a meteor Mk.3 to 8.0 rahter than the Vampire, move it down to 7.7 atleast if these changes stick

and all the 9.0s going to 8.7 is not needed, Lim-5P was already extremely strong,
jsut move the F-104 back up to 9.7 where it should be, when it moved down there was a lot more all aspect spam and since then its recieved a 0.1 mach speed boost at sea level, making it neigh unkillable if you do not have a AIM-9G or anything equivalent, and on the topic of 9.3 supersonics, all of them could move back to 9.7 easily, they stomp in downtiers and only need to be played with a slight bit of caution in uptiers and can still perform well


all good, probably good idea to use Fox now as much as possible until it goes 7.7… although i don’t really get why Gepard and Falcon are 8.3, while AMX-30 DCA goes to 8.7, meanwhile only DCA has 40sec reload :v either change reload speed or don’t change BR o:


I wonder how many times I have to post this. Very quick and very easy decompression. Please do it ASAP Gaijin.


Japan ww2 props not getting their BR’s raised again for the millionth time
Am I seeing things?


Gaijin please for the love of god and all that’s holy, please DO NOT implement literally any of the 8.3-9.0 jet BR changes, you are looking in the wrong place, instead you need to move the Mig-19 and F-104 and other supersonics back up where they belong.
You did not cook with this one.


Personally with the G.91 R/4 still being 8.7, the F-86F-40 should move down to 8.7


Well, you have every right to process, sir self-described Russian main.
HSTVL is not over-tiered and has never been.


Not seeing the Obj. 292 or 2S38 not being moved up is lowkey ridiculous. I really do enjoy facing it in my OF-40 Mk.2 Gaijin!


The mig 19 and f104 will just go back down again if u move them up, they’re at 9.3 now because they get cancelled out by literally any high-G missile carrier thats literally everywhere at that matchmaker-

better idea would have to decompress the entire bracket those aircraft are in before you can even touch flareless supersonic aircraft


Ye kinda sad because there is not many 7.0 tanks to bring with in that line up unless is premium ? I was usins with pershings and now i will be probably play that tank solo and leave after i die twice.


their overtiered 9 times out of 10 because every dumbass tried to turn with them rather than just running away which is just a hard counter, everything is faster


I miss your adjustments for AiR RB regarding props in the range 3.7 - 5.0.

Wyvern - i recommend an increase to 4.7 until June (when Ground and Air BRs will be splitted).


Although the increase to 4.3 was a step in the right direction, the sheer masses of them create vacuum cleaner effects for the poor souls in 3.3 aircraft. Im mean i see daily masses of Wyverns mainly used as fighters in Air RB - they kill all medium bombers and disrupt the climb phase of the enemy team - if used in a clean (no payload) configuration.
They decide most of the matches regarding the numbers game in Air RB.
If flown as described (and a lot of yt cc recommend this) their climb and speed advantage allows them together with 1.200 mm rounds multiple headons - whilst the average rookie in a fighter get slammed by them.


the 9.3 supersonics stomp in downtiers and only need to be played with slight caution in uptiers, hell all cna counter the F-5C relatively easily if you have 5 braincells which should arguably be 10.7, in additonthe F-5E should really go back to 11.0, its a menace even if it means they have to give it the AIM-9L


need actual decompression, just not just moving the compression around a bit in air/ground/sea, cause that fixes nothing really.


can we also get R2Y2s to 7.7 or 7.3 BRs? since we are getting some jets 0.3 lower and R2Y2 isn’t that competitive at the BR it is c: