Planned Battle Rating changes for April 2024

the more I think about the AMX going to 10.7 the less sense it makes
the A-10 has way more flares so thus can deal with MANPAD aa more and other planes, along with having an absurd matchmaker
A-6E has way more bombs, “oh but it has to sacrifice the gun or flares” why are you close enough for guns to matter in an attacker at that BR, it is mainly guided bombs and missiles
Su-25/K has loads of rockets and a tanky damage model, it has rockets that can one hit most tanks

The AMX in its current for can take a max of 6 bombs with the targeting pod, and if you put it at 10.7 it has no lineup for ground and in air it was decent at 10.3 but at 10.7 it will be slapped by stuff it should rarely see. I feel like people thinking the AMX is OP is mostly because the italian playerbase is most often better than the average player, because a lot of people just give up on the grind in the middle of the tree


Like I said. sometimes.

This, its not a small rat tank like the fox. Its large size, low survivability and low maneuverability do not need to see 8.0 uptiers. Also its stabs are nice sometimes, but they are a hinderence when you are not on flat ground. People who havent played it cant complain about the stabilizer bc it actually screws with your aim half of the time.

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Yeah that’s why it’s 4.3, but I was talking about how the armament could still be good there and even up to 5.3.

It’s still good enough for 4.0… Just angle it and most things will have a tuff time going through. Worried about the turret face? Move it around, wiggle your nose ;) And again it’s gun is good enough to pen most everything at it’s BR

Actually funniest sh*t I´ve seen all year these BR changes. They keep flip flopping on them Mig 15´s 8.3-8.7-8.3-8.7 while refusing the obvious solution - BR decompression.
Naaah, let´s keep changing the BR back and forth hoping for different results. Literally definition of insanity.


Tell me how are you going to kill a maus with a large portion of its ammo storage emptied in 3 to 4 rounds? Not from the sides. not some BR-471B shooting at upper part of its side armor.

Ok this is an actual cope / skill issue moment.

You want to one hit kill a maus :skull;

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VT-1-2 is the fastest.

The H is fine at 6.7, the P and Is-2s are just overtiered due to compression.

The maus is fine at 7.7. Just learn to aim better


Oh yeah-

Can we PLEASE downtier the J22-B to 3.0 or 3.3. Its at 4.0 in AB, which is frankly insane. Two more 13.2mms is not enough for a 1.0 br increase over the J22-A.

hard cope, maus is already too high br and i don’t have problems killing it even with 6.7 vehicles. If you can’t deal with it, you track it, and call him out for your CaS friends that will always make a pleasure of nuking it out. When it was lower in br, i used apcr with my persing to kill it, not difficult. As for when the turret is angled, 1, it can’t hit you, 2: you can hit it’s mantlet and get it’s gun. Maus is an easy kill for anyone with a working brain.

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Type 16 (P) & Type 16 FPS: Add Type 93 APFSDS !

The Type 16 (P) is in need of its missing Type 93 APFSDS round! Currently positioned at 9.3 with the weakest 105mm APFSDS, it previously functioned adequately at 8.7. However, it now consistently faces opponents at 9.7 - 10.3, which is not ideal for a vehicle reliant on mobility and firepower. Moreover, the nerf to M735 hasn’t helped matters.

In comparison, the Rooikat 105 sits at 9.0 in AB and 9.3 in RB, equipped with DM23 and even DM33, far superior to M735. Additionally, it boasts thermal optics like the Type 16 and superior gun handling, it is an equivalent to the tech tree Type 16 at 9.7 even.
So why do modern Japanese AFVs lack access to their domestic ammunition, instead relying on outdated American-made rounds? If adding the Type 93 isn’t feasible, at least consider providing DM23, since the 105mm gun is compatible with NATO rounds. However, I’d much prefer Japanese-made ammunition!

Even if it means increasing their BR to 9.7, because the Type 16 with Type 93 APFSDS is at 9.7, then I’m fine with it. Unless the Type 16 at 9.7 goes back to 9.3 where it should!

Type 16 MCV: 9.7 > 9.3

The Type 16 seems to be over-battle-rated, but the main issue is its lack of lineup support. Japan currently lacks a lineup at 9.7, and it makes me wonder if the developers considered the tech tree before placing it there. Building a 9.7 lineup is impossible without pushing 9.0 vehicles like the Type 74 or Type 89 into 9.7, where they’ll face 10.7 vehicles, which isn’t ideal. Additionally, there’s no incentive to play other Type 16 variants with this Type 16 because they lack access to the Type 93 APFSDS.

If the Type 16 remains at 9.7, there needs to be more vehicles implemented at this BR without constantly pushing existing vehicles into higher BRs. It’s also perplexing that in arcade battles, the Type 16 is at the same BR as the CV 90105, which has a 5-second autoloader.

Type 87 RCV: 9.0 > 8.3

Talking about the Type 16 being overrated, but the Type 87 takes the crown for this matter. How can a vehicle that went from 7.3 to 9.0, while also being nerfed in the process (reduced reverse speed and gunner’s sight changed from variable zoom to fixed 8x), be justified?

At 9.0 BR, there’s a very similar vehicle, the VBC (PT2), another light tank with the same 25mm gun, but fully stabilized and equipped with thermal sight, laser rangefinder, laser warning receiver, better optics and add-on armor that provides full protection against its own APDS round from the front. The Type 87 lacks all of these features.

Especially in arcade battles, playing the Type 87 is painful. Unlike in RB, you will be constantly spotted and flanking becomes impossible. It should go back to 8.3 both in AB and RB, where it could provide support for other vehicles which Japan does have a few there.

Type 87 (P): 7.7 > 7.3

This is by far the worst Japanese vehicle added last year. Firstly, it’s implemented at a BR where there’s nothing around it to form a lineup. At 7.7 BR, what are we supposed to play with? There are either other vehicles from 7.3 or those at 8.3, and I’m not going to push anything from 7.3 just to play this mediocre light tank. Nor is it worth pushing it to 8.3 because it’s so useless
Mainly, it doesn’t even have the same gun as its production model. A 20mm gun with 66 max penetration at point-blank range is rough. Why would I even play this thing at 7.7, knowing that we have the SUB-I-II with the same 20mm gun and about 300 more rounds, sitting at a much lower BR of 5.3? Albeit without a stabilized gun, which is not a big deal breaker for a autocannon.

This vehicle wasn’t implemented in a meaningful way. Even though I’ve already researched it, I never wanted to purchase or play it. It could have been a great addition to the 7.3 lineup, where Japan has a few vehicles but lacks both a light tank for scouting and a SPAAG. The Type 87 P could fulfill this role and would appear to players better when they see that this vehicle at 7.3 has three other 7.3 vehicles to make a competitive lineup with!


Least out of touch gaijin dev.


Another battle rating change, another massive cryout about the F-15s not going to 12.7, and Gaijin DGAF.

For justified instances like this, i like their shameless criteria.

Maus is fine in BR tbh, 'least in AB. Absolute tank of a thing, good firepower, and still takes a lot of shots to kill, even with high pen rounds.

For someone who has never played any vampire let alone the FB4 with its engine being worse spaded than any others are stock (FB4 has Goblin 2 while all others have goblin 3) you have no room to speak, do not say things about vehicles you have not played, on the Afghanistan map you would be lucky to break 350 mph by the time you reach enemy aircraft

the vampire is slow as all hell, hte Meteor Mk.3 is the same speed for all intensive purposes and any mk 4 or even the mk 8 are much faster than the vampire

if you are getting tailed by the vampire FB4 in the F-84 and getting shot down, thats a skill issue

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Roland 1 to 9.7, the same BR as the Lvrbv 707. WTF? These vehicles are not comparable and should not be at the same BR. I know the elevation on the Roland is bad but it’s the same on the Lvrbv 707. Other than that it’s practically the same as the FlaRakPz 1 which remains at 10.3. 10.0 was the correct BR for it.


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Even if the BR changes are appropriate: I regret to have spend lots of real money in order to buy premiums, vehicles from market place and/or modifications (for gold) in order to put together some nice lineups, which are later broken by BR adjustments. In this case, e.g., I bought the chinese M64 and the premium T-34-85 only for the reason to have a nice chinese lineup, together with the two other T-34-85’s and the M18. If M18 and M64 go up to BR6,0 this lineup is broken, because the T-34-85’s are not strong enough, at least in my hands.

In the big 4 nations (USA, GER, RUS, ENG) with many tanks in the trees, tanks that go up in BR can be replaced by other tanks, but minor nations with less tanks suffer from broken lineups.

My question: Why not simply retain existing lineups (which cost lots of time / money) and rebalance vehicles by slightly changing their characteristics, e.g. reload rate, mobility?

I as a person who has not been stingy regarding real money investments, have now learned from this lesson and will rethink every little investment in the future.


Prinz and Hipper at 5.7? Again? Is this some sort of cruel joke when Mikuma is still at 6.0?
Most BB lobbies are at 7.0 instead of 6.7 these days, that means there’s a significantly higher chance that Prinz and Hipper would see eitehr 5.7, 6.0, or heaven forbid a 4.7 lobby. Whereas other 6.0 cruisers would go straight up to 7.0 almost every game.

It further illustrates the fact that naval is horribly compressed. Even ships 0.7BR lower are having trouble damaging those above it, let alone 1.0.

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