Phimat Pods and Other similar pods

In the previous update we got Split CMs and the ability for Gaijin to add assymetrical CM loads such as on the BOZ pods for the Tornado IDS.

However, we have yet to see this taken any further. The last time they attempted assymetrical CM loads they added Phimat pods, and whilst it caused issues, surely it would be functional now?

One of aircraft that would benefit most from the Phimat Pod is the Tornado F3 (able to replace 1x Aim-9 for an additional 216 Large calibre chaff or even mount them in place of fuel tanks) but other aircraft that could benefit include the Harrier Gr7 and Jaguar Gr1A. This would give these aircraft the additional chaff they need to defend against the Fox-1s / Fox-3s they encounter on a regular basis. (especially considering the current nerfed state of BOL)

There are similar such pods available for other nations and aircraft and it would be good to see them all added.


So Phimat pods have now made it to the game, but are so far only present on the Jaguars (Britain and France)

The list of other aircraft with them currently missing includes:


Harrier Gr3
Buc S2B
Harrier Gr7
Tornado F3
Tornado F3 AOP (Late)


Mirage F1
Mirage 3E
Super Eterndard


Tornado ADV.

Please let me know if any other aircraft used Phimat pods to stick on this list


Not sure if I would actually want those pods on the Harrier GR3, the Buc S2B and the Mirage F1, as I have a feeling they would go up in BR with that many CMs

Chaff only. No flares.

I doubt it would have all that big of an impact. For the Gr3 that just makes it easier to defend against radar SPAAGs but nothing Vs SAMs

Buc S2B you have to replace some A2G for it and no idea what pylon for the mirage F1 but would help defending against Fox 3 and I doubt it can go higher than 12.0

Well, the thing is, having access to a chaff-only pod allows you to carry a full load of flares in the main CM dispenser, so the GR3 would have 60 flares + 216 chaff, the Buc S2B would have 90 large flares + 216 chaff and the Mirage F1 would have a whopping 48 large flares + 144 regular flares + 216 chaff.

While yes, the GR3 would probably be the one to get the least out of that chaff, I would still expect Gaijin to take this survivability buff as a reason to increase the BRs of these planes by 0.3

Realistically, at 9.7. What SARH missiles are you encountering?

I almost never run any chaff in the Gr3. I rarely bother running chaff in the Sea Harrier FRS1e at 10.7. You also have the AV-8A with 240 CMs at 9.7 already, with near identical performance to the Gr3 except the CM count. ONly benefit I see is in GRB where it could do with the buff and then only when countering SPAAG, will do nothing against the IR SAMs

Buc S2B is much the same answer, I think the loss of a Martel or Paveway or Aim-9 is a big enough nerf for that extra chaff anyway

Mirage F1 is the exception as it does actually encounter aircraft like the F-14s where ample flares and chaff will make a difference and is the only one that we’ll have to wait and see

Starting at 9.3 there are R-3Rs
At 9.3 you’ve got the AIM-7C
At 10.0 you’ve got the Matra R.511
At 10.7 there are AIM-7Ds and AIM-9Cs

Look, I’m not saying that the GR3 or Buc S2B should go up in BR with that pod, I’m just saying that Gaijin might end up increasing their BRs anyways just because of those CMs

Edit: I think I may have become a bit paranoid about BRs after that one BR change that almost put the Jaguar GR1A (and Buc S2B iirc) to 10.7. Considering that (at least for now) the GR1A gets to stay at 10.3 with the Phimat, I suppose it would be fine for the Harrier and Buc to get it too.
But if Gaijin ends up increasing their BRs afterwards, well, I warned ya lol

Phimat pod allows you to carry more flares to help deal with IR sams atleast.

And don’t forget to add French Jaguar A and E tocthe list, they have it now on dev

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As I said. I never run chaff anyway on it and only flares. Not that I play it all that much. But even on the Sea Harrier FRS1e which I do. I usually only run flare only.

the list is for what is missing Phimat. Also why the Jaguar Gr1 and Jaguar Gr1A arent on that list (surprisingly the Jaguar IS also has Phimat)

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To be fair the AV8A has a literal brick of Flares and its sitting at the same BR so we can only pray they don’t try it if they do add them.

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More CMs shouldn’t really increase the BR of aircraft that are already at BRs where I’m not sure they really belong outside of just not being fair if they went down.

Hi, I am making a bug report for the Phimat pods because they have just been added to the dev server but only on the Jaguar, do you have any sources for carrying the Phimat on English planes ? (I think I can find what is needed for French planes)

Tornado F3 I think has already been reported

@Gunjob will probably know which aircraft have been reported already and which needs reporting still

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Everyone of our airframes has a report for it.