Pháo Tự Hành 130 ly – Khung Gầm KrAZ-255B

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The PTH 130-K255B is a Self Propelled Artillery system developed by Vietnam, with the first known prototype being unveiled in 2021. The vehicle was designed to be cost effective yet deadly mobile artillery piece, and was built by mounting a 130mm M-46 L/55 Field Gun onto a heavily modified KrAZ-255B truck. The vehicles developments is heavily influenced by the Cuban Jupiter V SPG system, and thus likely shares many of its capabilities.



Cuban Jupiter V

The KrAZ-255B truck features a YaMZ-238 V8 turbocharged diesel engine with 240hp at 2,100 rpm with a capacity of 14.86 Liters and a maximum range of 600km with a 7.5 tonne load. The truck has a max speed of 70km/h with a +60 degree gradient. It also has a Central Tire Inflation System which can adjust the tire pressure to enhance grip on various terrains. Much of these stats will obviously be different due to the modifications and added weight, however its likley very similar to the Jupiter V which has a mass of 20 tonne’s, retains the ordinal top speed, with a reduced range of 450km. the PTH 130-K255B moves the cabin into two sections to the left and right of the engine compartment, with the driver on the left, and commander on the right. The cabins are protected by armor plating and bullet proof glass, likely just thick enough to withstand small arms fire and artillery shrapnel



The main armament is the 130mm M-46 L/55 Field Gun which is located on the very rear of the vehicle, with two large armored ammo boxes sitting in between the gun and the cabin, with one ammo box containing the round, while the other carries the charges and features two hydraulic arms intended to brace the vehicle when firing. Though its unknown if it has a FCS, however if it does possess one it is likely very similar to the one found on their BM-21M-1 MLRS. The gun likley retains the original traverse specs of the field gun, with 45 degrees of elevation, -2.5 degrees of gun depression, and 50 degrees of horizontal traverse. The PTH 130-K255B is likely similar to the Jupiter V in that its limited to 6 crew members, with 2-3 in the cabin, and 3-4 crew members sitting on the back of the truck to operate the gun, the only real protection the gun crew has is a simple gun shield around the cannon breech.



The gun is capable of firing HE, and HE-Frag with 3.64 kg of explosives, with a muzzle velocity of 930m/s and a max range of 27.5 km, an AP with a maximum flat penetration of 245mm at 1,000m with a maximum effective range of 4 km, a Rocket Assisted Projectile with a 970m/s muzzle velocity, a max range of 38 km, and a Smoke Round.

Why it should be added:
This vehicle will no doubt have its BR, and capabilities in game be heavily impacted by its limited gun travers, large profile, lightly armored, and exposed crew, however if a Vietnamese Sub-Tech Tree is added to the game, the tree will have a severe lack of vehicles unique to Vietnam to add to the game, so this SPG would be an interesting vehicle to be added to the tree, and if it gets good ammunition, and a good reload rate (especially if it has more than one loader) it could be a very effective tank destroyer if used properly.



Mass: ~20 tonnes
Engine: 240 hp
Max Speed: ~70km/h
Main Armament: 130mm M-46 L/55
Crew: ~6 (Driver, Commander, Gunner, 2-3x Loaders)
Protection: RHA, Bullet Proof Glass

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PTH 130-K255B 130 mm Self-Propelled Gun - Tank Encyclopedia
Vietnam reveals indigenous truck-mounted howitzer | Shephard
Jupiter V 130 mm Self-Propelled Gun |


yeah im all in for a vietnam sub tree in the chinese TT. +1

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Would be a fun wheeled TD in game, would love to possibly see it for Japan as something ASEAN! ( I can’t imagine the Vietnamese would be happy ending up with China )

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