Perspectives on game balance in the new version

I, along with some players, feel deeply dissatisfied and helpless about the upcoming update. In a previous dev, you guys mentioned that the LOAO for AGM-114L will not be in the game cause u said weapons that can be used outside of the direct line of sight of the target without needing any preliminary reconnaissance or direct user targeting are not currently workable for the game. But for the weapon already in the game, the Kh-38MT, isn’t it a long range in complete safety for NATO ground-based air defence units such as VT-1, ADATS, etc,with it’s 20km range and Fire-and-Forget mode?
Gaijin Entertainment is an international company. Warthunder is a multifaceted, international game, in which players should be able to experience the characteristics of different national vehicles and the fun they can bring to the game, but instead, the Russian Federation’s overwhelming air and ground power has turned Warthunder into a boring game in which the only option for everyone is to “use a Russian vehicle”.
Gaijin needs to make a change, and so does Warthunder. We are all waiting for a proper answer.


WT is just a Russian propaganda game


Game balance??? HAHAHAHAAHHAAHHAHHAHAHA I cant stop laughing


yeah, Russian bias game for us now

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Sorry for the ping, but I think this requires some official feedback.

Leaving the Pantsir out, the top tier SPAAs have a theoretical range of 12km. Their mobility is not good and they have to manually guide their missiles.

Adding more (and more) multirole jets, like the F-16C, Tornado, SU-34 and JAS-39C to the game gives CAS an overwhelming advantage that CAN‘T be countered by current SPAAs.

Add the Helicpters with long range Spike missiles and playing Ground RB becomes a horrible experience.

How does Gaijin envision to balance this, when all that gets added is more long range CAS capability?


KH-38MT requires direct line of sight and <20km of range to target, similar to Maverick at this time.

lol Meanwhile the F-15JM I have is the best jet in War Thunder, with Israel getting the next Typhoon equivalent F-15.
My Abrams with a 5.3 second reload firing the best MBT round in the game.
Q-5L that was under-BR’d for months allowing me to freely destroy enemy teams with its GBUs, until separate BRs gave it a more appropriate ground BR.
P51H5NA still being under-BRd.

I think we’re getting more OP aircraft this update across the board.

AGM-65 ground lock-on range: 24km

KH-38MT ground lock-on range: 40km

24km =/= 40km

(Unless there’s an actual difference between locking the ground and locking rear- or all-aspect.)

Lol what?

The F-15I has the -229 engines which apparently gives it absolutely bonkers flight performance on the dev iirc.

Hower the classic “dev server stuff is subject to change” applies, so it could still be wip.

I mean doesn’t it still lack performance in comparison to the Eurofighter in every other way? I mean it’s a Strike Eagle.

At this point it really depends who you ask on this forum. The EFT is either this world beater of an aircraft that no one can really match or it’s at most it’s an F-15C MSIP II counterpart.

I hardly find anyone who says something in between.

*shrugs* Such is the forums

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They forgot about balance


Yes, there is a difference between locking the ground and locking onto the tank.