I’m facing the same problem with Ryzen 7 5800X and RTX4060TI, huge fps drops when zooming, one possible solution is reducing or deactivating terrain displacement, that partially help with it, at least for me, I still have fps drops when zooming, but only on a specific map (north Holland) every time I zoom specially from a plane it go from 120fps to 10fps on a second, you can avoid it, deactivating ray traicing, but is annoying because it only happens on that map, plus, I still have problems with desert maps, like sands of sinai, tunisia or american desert, every time I play those maps, on a random moment in the game, it show me a “graphic driver failure” and reloads all the graphics (on about 15 or 20 sec) I don’t know why only happens on desert maps, maps like Alaska with a lot of windows or sweden doesnt give me any troubles at all. My drivers are up to date by the way.
4060 Ti has slow VRAM and only 8GB, depending on your resolution and game setting you might encounter stutters. If you are on 4K or 2K you have to lower your details in the game, VRAM bandwidth of 4060Ti is very low to be used for 2k and 4 K resolutions.
4060 is mostly for 1080P gaming.
128 bit on 4060 VRAM is really very little for 2k and 4K resolutions.
If you plan gaming on 2k and 4K than you are looking at 256 bit VRAM upward.
In some titles for example 4070 with 12GB 192 bit might be good but it might stutter in other titles.
I recommend you get 4070 Ti Super as it got 256 bit 16 GB ram for 2k/ 4K.
It happens more on Dessert maps because of the dust, your VRAM can’t cope with it, is overwhelmed.
Lower Particle Density in your game settings.
Lower some textures as well.
I read your bug report try the following. 3090 are powerful GPU but is really worth capping your FPS let’s say to 100, go to Nvidia Ctrl panel > program settings > warthunder > Max Frame Rate chose 100 FPS.
Most of people doesn’t see over 100FPS anyways so is just heat for your GPU and wasted electricity (3090 can easy go over 400Watt power consumption)
Why capping - Stability in many games less heat for your GPU.
Also download HWinfo, run it in the background while playing the game, report back, with your 3090 temps on Memory Junction, is easy if you upload here a print screen of your HWINFO GPU section.
I need temperatures on your VRAM (memory junction) using HWINFO Run the game for 30-min-1h , pritnt screen HWINFO with GPU section and post it here. RTX 4000 Quadro is blower card with very little cooling as it got small radiator and one single fan so probably your VRAM is sizzling.
In terms of choice of GPU would have been a better choice RTX A 4000 -16Gb/256 bit
Cap your WT in Nvidia CTRl Panel at 75 FPS max. If I was you, I really wouldn’t venture with that card, 8GB VRAM at 100 FPS @ that screen resolution. Also capping your FPS will prolly save your GPU of frying one of the mem chips.
Your expectations from your hardware are too high.
I have a 240 HZ monitor, and while I do not need the FPS to be that high I want to get it as high as I can since I can tell. Also having high fps should not cause this unless there was a CPU bottleneck or a bug with the game or driver.
With stock cooling this card goes to 92°c on light duty yes
I’ve pointed 3 Noctua 140mm fans and a 230V 150W Industrial Impeller in it’s Direction and now it only reaches 89°c but it no longer thermal throttles
this redneck cooling solution gave me a 500% performance increase
even tho the card is quite old it’s doing modern games at OK settings even, I assume even better cooling could increase performance even more but that would require water cooling by now
As I expected, 89c means your VRAM chips are sizzling at about 105 C which is critical.
Your solution doesn’t work, 3C less is not enough.
If I’ll be you I’ll deshroud the card, put 2x 80mm fans above radiator + 1X 92 mm fan pulling from the back of the card, pulling not pushing, make sure the exhaust fan of the case runs at high RPM is the closest to your GPU. Again has to be pull . Use mounting rubber pins or some pieces of wood to support the fan and give a bit of height.
Don’t know if you are able to deshroud the card but, for start add the 92 mm fan on the back of the card right where is that square formed out the mounting screws, fan has to be in pull not push.
Like this : Summer time and GPU is sizzling! If your GPU gets too hot try this
I have an 1080 Ti with faster memory 352 bit vs 256 bit(your card) and 11GB vs 8GB on your card. I’m running WT in high and ultra custom setting @ 1440p but capped at 80 FPS, my card pulls max 280 Watt yours only 160Watt.
More power means more heat yet, I’m running WT with max 62 C on GPU and 55-57 C VRAM, I’m running a 92 mm fan on the back of my card though @ 1000 rpm.
However I service my card, changed thermal paste on GPU itself and changed old now spent thermal pads with thermal putty so the temps dropped considerably because of that.
Will be helpful to add a picture of your fan setup but, what I’m thinking is that the 3 X140 mm are pushing towards the card but hot air is spread around and recirculated by your card, Hot air from your card has to go out of the case as fast as possible.
You have to really service your card and till than cap your FPS that is the most important things to do.
And remember GPU will throttle down if GPU is very hot but not when VRAM is very hot so you are in danger to brick your card because 89 C on GPU means 105 C on VRAM. Most GPU will have 15-20 C on VRAM above GPU temp and VRAM cooling is your focus here.
You can have 500 Hz monitor it doesn’t matter, I seen your bug report and the huge spikes of your GPU but judging by your answer not sure you want help.
I didn’t say game or the drivers are perfect but capping your FPS will help.
Other games have same issues I seen it so many times but FPS capping helps.
If is CPU bottleneck FPS capping will help again. I hope you understand why is that.
Your card use a lot of power which = heat, heat will render the thermal pads and thermal paste dry and very inefficient in taking out the heat towards radiator. Not sure if is the case but you didn’t post a picture of your HWINFO as I requested, so not sure you want help. I can’t diagnose without data.
Also you have to use MSI afterburner and Riva Tunner to see VRAM usage and GPU usage also temps while gaming, is important in diagnosing the problems.
Regarding your ability to see more than 100 FPS on your screen I guess you have to pay for some eye test to really conclude is worth running games more than 100 FPS. there is no such test in my area but maybe you are in luck.
the GC has reached the end of it’s life soon anyways, I’m not going to put more work into it because it’ll still be the Bottleneck of the system even if the temperatures are fine
Get a an RTX A 4500 or a cheaper RTX A 4000. Both cards needs to deshrouded if you want to have good thermals, otherwwise you have to change thermal paste and thermal pads once/year.
As infiDell mentioned fans, fans being the wrong way if you’ve assembled the PC yourself isn’t something to be ashamed about, and could be something to check.
I had my front fans pointed out, and the cooling just wasn’t there, swapped them to draw in, and then my machine stopped being so hectic.
Same with the fan/heat curve setup in your bios, if you’ve added fans, you may not have set the curves to make them work other than literal idle.
I think in this case is the thermal pads and thermal paste of the GPU are very dry. The cards needs servicing.
However a fan on the back of the GPU will help since always heat will traverse the PCB even if you have new thermal pads.
It helps even if you don’t have a backplate which acts as a spreader of heat.
The most important case fan is the rear exhaust fan as is the closest to the GPU.
The intake fans of the case helps only if is enough pressure created by them, which means high RPM and noise specially if are on the side of the case or if the intake fans are in front of the case and are obstructed by metal brackets design badly, inefficient grills, plastic panels in front of them, filled up mesh and filters with dust.
Even on high end cases like Lian Li OD 11 Dynamic XL(200$) bad grills are present: adding noise and diminish the airflow of the fans.
I’m having massive stutters, fps going from 177 (Having it capped there for g-sync) down to 70-100 for a second.
It went away for a while on Dx11 (I THINK from disabling HAGS/Hardware accelerated gpu scheduling), tried Dx12 just now and it started stuttering, went back to Dx11 and now that stutters aswell.
It was stuttering like this on the 24H2 update aswell, and this is a fresh install of 23H2.
Windows 11 23H2, 7800X3D, 32gb of ram, RTX 4080 Super, Game is on a 2tb NVME SSD.
WT is the only game that’s behaving like this for me.
Been looking for a solution since the patch dropped.
Game got issues and like 2 years ago and was even worst, It was after a major patch as well, on both DX 11 and 12 but worst on DX 12.
Whenever is a problem with the game, driver, CPU to GPU link, corrupted overlay or even the sound the higher the FPS count you running the worst will be, so for now cap the game to lower FPS let’s say to 100 in Nvidia Ctrl Panel. Is just a work around.
I’m running my self the game at 80 FPS capped and yes I have small stutter when turn the turret left or right.
You have to bare in mind that network drivers or sound drivers can create stutters so to make sure you have no other drivers issues run this: Resplendence Software - LatencyMon: suitability checker for real-time audio and other tasks in the background while playing WT.
Have nvidia and discord overlays disabled since day 1 since I don’t like them xD
Tried 80-90% of all solutions except stop playing, Nothing is running hot or bottlenecking either, Think a reboot fixed it yesterday but now it’s back… Going to try that again now and see if it helps.