PBM-1 mariner crew

According to cockpit view behind the pilot there are two extra crew(meaning it has nine crew including these two).

however according to X-ray these crew do not exsist and according to the crew count in X-ray and the stat card, there are only 7 crew. Suprisingly even wikipedia claims that the PBM-1 only has 7 crew

can someone do a bit more digging on this?

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They would have been the navigator, flight engineer, and/or systems operators. Basically no practical function in game.

Said crew do show up on other aircraft though, no reason for them to not be present as they are required for the operation of the aircraft in general.

Not in the context of WT, since air crew do not replace each other during the game. They would just be extra data and hitboxes that would add to game overhead for no practical purpose.
Only the Snail knows why some things are modeled and somethings aren’t.

Flight engineers yes, though, or at least they should be as they are more or less mandatory on larger bombers and such. Without a flight engineer babying your radials, there is a very high chance their performance would not be close to as good as they should be.

Crew uses aside though.

Yep, still, other aircraft have them present even if they dont have a proper use, no reason to not standardize the implementation.

Its not modelled in the game so its not relevant. WT isn’t a sim.

The flight engineers are modeled on other aircraft as already mentioned, its relevant enough for them I guess.

While I agree with you on this, there are a large number of people who would strongly disagree with you on that statement and even go as far to say it is a more realistic sim than the likes of DCS, IL2 or Falcon BMS.

navigator may not be the most important but i think in the future flight engineer may be an intresting function in game