Can someone please tell me in which ground sim rotations is the Pzh 2000 available?
If you have enough source, pls report PzH 2000’s gunner sight magnification to be 8x, not 4x in dev server.
I have an feelign why they gave it an 4x zoom and not 8
that R19 mod is for indirect fire. it is useless in WT
and it even not modelled it.
Sure, but they likely took the data from it
I have two books which specifying TN 80 sight for 8x…
it is retractable.
normaly they didn’t use it due to computer based firing managemant system.
Could someone check on the dev if the PzH 2000 HU has add-on armor plates on top of the airconditioning unit, driver’s hatch and around the driver’s hatch ?
Good, almost of my reports have been passed.
Wrong shell storage modeling report is merged to charge storage modeling report.
wtf where did they all come from, I looked like 5 minutes ago… there were the one posted here nothing more xDDD
time to sync the list :(
hmm. most difficult part is armour protection.
there isn’t any sources which specifies amour thickness. only mentions as 14.5mm protection, shrapnel protections.
The Forum is dying, I cant do stuff…
I need to go to sleep now. its 4am here and I have exam on 10am :/
I’m seeing this and i’m seething so much because Italy,the 2nd user (both in terms of years of service and in units bought), only gets a Premium Hungarian Version (one of the most recent users and 6th out of 9 in terms of units bought)
This is probably the most idiotic claim by this game,why is it too hard for them to basically copy-paste the German version and put it into the Italian TT?
What I’d like to know from this update, is why is Italy being given the Hungarian PZH-2000. When Italy is a bigger user of it and it’s the nation of Italy not Hungary.
My brother… this is the italian three-tone. It is different.
We can get this too
It’s called DM111 Rh30 it’s a some what of a SAPHE filled with 11kg of TnT.
Still working on it though.
In the files is an italian PHz 2000. A standard TT one