Panzerhaubitze 2000: Classic Artillery

Modern self-propelled artillery systems are all very similar to each other. An oblong hull, a giant turret, and a lengthy barrel… They all share these features. Still, there’s one vehicle that’s mentioned more often than any other. This SPG was developed in Germany at the end of the 20th century and remains one of the most advanced artillery systems in service with numerous nations. And the name of this vehicle is the Panzerhaubitze 2000!


@magazine2 I wonder, do you have an crystal ball which can look in the near future about the PzH 2000?
Because they are some reports open which could make an huge Diffrence, like:
L15A1/DM121 ammo

Some reports which are acceoted/Suggestions


It’s probably undertiered already, with spall liners and thermals I’d hope to see it go up in BR a bit at least.

I’m not a huge fan of these super modern artillery pieces hanging out in the 7.3 to 8.0 range.


Yeah there is still this massive gathering of reports that need to be gone trough.
The weird french shell literaly is a higher tier modification but worse then the stock shell now in all aspects

i mean if the others go up in br first, the chinese one has spall liners already etc
and the pzh2k doesnt get thermals for your intrest

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Why Thermals? It has no Thermals and wont get it since the PzH has also no TVD IRL

Yeah they all need to move.

I’ve seen people asking for thermals so thought it was meant to have them. Might be confusing it for the Sholef.

And I am still wondering where this comes from

Get these modern artillery vehicles out of ww2/early Cold War BRs

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All M109, Vidars, 2s8 and whatnot should be totally out of the WW2 bracket. Tired of getting killed with cold war howitzers in a Panther or Tiger.


The only nation that produces it under license does not have its own “Semovente PzH 2000”

“Classic artillery”???

“Classic artillery” would never appear in a WT ground map!!

shot 2025.02.19 00.28.04

Whats the difference of M107 and 155mm OE F3? Both shells seem to be identical, except muzzle velocity, which is bit higher for M107 shells. So why is the latter one excisting? Do I miss something? Why would you use 155mm OE F3?

When the Major update dropped the OE F3 was faster, but since they fixed the velocity for all ammos(on PZH2000), the OE F3 is just Useless…
OE F3 is slower, less TNT, and also an T4 Mod…

The only shell you need is the M107 (PF) because you can select if you want the Proxy fuze, or if you want an Inpact fuze…
Result with 25x M107 PF


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Thats was exactly why I was asking. Couldn’t figure out why this rank IV mod seems worse than default shells.

How do I select the fuse type on the (PF)?

Its in the controlls, named something with “Switch Fuze Mode”

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the fact that gaijin just copy pasted this from a M109 and said “gg all done”