Of course i would like it to be added but not how it is now. Give every nation a good mobile Anti-Air or their latest one and improve the weapons range on both helicopters and jets and add new weapons. (AGM-88, etc)
I definitely think it should come but after some nations receive more of an equivalent. +1
Just a reminder for some, just because there’s a suggestion now for it doesn’t mean it has to come now, it can be for later too when other similar vehicles for other nations are added.
Sleepy Pantsir.
Please allow me to express my opinion. Perhaps we need a tracked chassis Pantsir more than a truck chassis Pantsir, even though the truck chassis version has better performance. The mobility of the truck chassis is really poor. Would you consider submitting a tracked chassis Pantsir? Of course, I also voted in favor of the Pantsir you submitted, but I still think the tracked chassis Pantsir is more suitable for inclusion in the game, and it better fits the definition of SPAA. This is just my personal opinion :)
The specific model of the tracked chassis Pantsir seems to be called Pantsir-SM-SV?
I’m debating on starting another suggestion, was thinking about doing one of the Buk variants or a modification to one of the Belarusian SAMs.
Do what your heart tells you
i voted no since no other country has a got a new toptier spaa but warsaw as no one right now has a equivvlant to the already ingame pantsir S1
That’s fine, however me must understand even better SAMs are coming, to the Soviets too if this post is anything to go from.
If I were to guess on what it will be, it will either be the Pantsir-SM or the BUK-M2 or maybe even the TOR-M2.
Heavier probably means multi piece systems.
bull that gaijin does this
There’s also this thing
Gibka S
Pantsir wake up, it’s time for CAS
I thought it was called the Pansir-S1M?
That’s a separate vehicle
hell no