what’s your guys opinion on panther G getting night vision ? i was gonna make a suggestion for it as i thought it looks cool. wanted to see if yall liked it first my suggestion was gonna be add it to ingame panther G as why not.
i just dont see much sense in letting the panther 2 get it and not let the G model have it as it did historically
As a premium vehicle it would be cool
nah wouldnt make sense as the model in game is the exact same and plus we have ostwind pack
i was thinking it being a modification you just reasearch as why not and you can un equip it if you dont want it
Yes please! Would be a very cool addition.
this is where WOT got the idea to put an NVD system on a schmalturm and call it panther 2 for gaijin to copy without researching the actual tank.
would make a good premium as its a lot more real than a ostwind 2, panther F or 2, it actually saw service and got beyond prototype
we dont need more premiums to ruin another BR
its 6.0 it already has the tiger pack there it wont make a difference. Interesting vehicles like this work good as premiums as they are pretty similar but still unique
There are no night missions anymore, so why bother? It just gives away your position behind hilltops and might offer a shell trap for all these 155mm howitzers.
Exactly. IIRC something like 80 Panthers received FG1250s, mostly Gs. That’s out of the 3,000 Gs produced. I’d rather see this as a premium, being more unique than just a reskin like so many other, while also not resulting in every player and their mother equipping rare, useless, and frankly ugly NVD because they don’t know that night battles don’t happen anymore
neat, but slightly pointless. Would still like to see it, though.
I don’t really see a problem, just be sure that it has all the needed stuff for a suggestion
they already did and it was removed because it didn’t actually exist