Panhard M8, the Peak of the M2 family

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caid’s suggestion #187

i would like to suggest vehicles that would be a nice competitor to the AMX 10RC, the Panhard M8

Technically the Panhard M8 wasn’t a competitor to the AMX 10RC. but it falls in direct competition with this wheeled tank. the Panhard M8 was a prototype of Panhard who was meant to be a reconaissance vehicles and a cheaper alternative to the tracked tank. the prototype presented at Satory in 1973 was an AFV version of the Panhard M2 8x8 vehicle which was an APC. France opened a requirement of the VCAI or Vehicle de combat amphibious d’infantry (Infantry amphibious combat vehicles) in 1967. a prototype was ordered from Panhard and AMX in 1969 which was the AMX 10RP and Panhard M2. The trial happened but no clear result came from them. In 1971, Panhard developed an AFV from the M2, which was an 8x8 vehicle mounting the TK-105 turret. the vehicles having good mobility and great firepower featured the Hydro-pneumatic suspension who’s was at this time extremely advanced and gave the vehicles a high mobility off-road. only no order came from this development. later the French army issued new requirements for reconnaissance vehicles of which the M8 would be suitable, but it seem the M8 development wasn’t reborn and the AMX-10RC was developed and chosen for the services.

the main armament of the M8 was the BK Meca 105mm F2 gun as found on the AMX-10RC, only there shall not be the OLF 105 F3 APFSDS as it was introduced in 1987, nearly 15 years after the M8 was canceled. the OCC F3 would be the only rounds accepted for the Panhard M8 and it’s not a bad round by himself. the HEATFS having a penetration of 350mm would be more than capable of fighting the MBT. the fire rate of 8 rounds/minutes would give it the capacity to fight at the same level as the other vehicles. the elevation of -8°/+20° gives it good flexibility in uneven terrain. the rotation of 30°/s is more than enough for close combat. there is also a coaxial LMG next to the gun. the ammunition carried is unknown but probably around 35 rounds.

the mobility of the M8 would be nothing to be ashamed of. only weighting 13 tonnes , it is powered by a 8-cilynder Hispano-Suiza HS115 providing 250 hp . this is the same engine used on the AMX 10P and shall give it a power/weight ratio of 19.23 hp/tonnes . this is much better than the AMX-10RC. the top speed was reported to reach at least 90 km/h on the road . like the AMX 10RC, the M8 can turn on itself which is a rare feature for wheeled vehicles, this is due to the independent differential of each wheel who allow the wheel to turn at different rates. this system also gives the vehicles a better performance off-road and cancels the drifting effect you can experiment when half of your wheels get in a different ground type such as mud or snow. the wheels have hydro-pneumatic suspension which allows the outside wheels or inside wheels to lift the vehicles to cross vertical obstacles. the M8 is also fully amphibious with propeller installed in the rear, giving a speed of 8km/h in calm water . the ground pressure has been of only 1kg per sq/cm would make it particularly good off-road for wheeled vehicles.

the protection of the M8 is different but equivalent to the AMX 10RC. the chassis was made of steel, and the turret was of aluminum. the vehicles would be technically immunized to the HMG on the front but not on the side. the overall protection can be considered as normal for a light vehicles. the crew is of 5 men . 3 are placed in the turret (gunner, commander, and loader) and 2 are in the hull (driver and radio-operator) the engine being at the rear would give the M8 a conventional configuration.


[details=" army and weapon 10 page 25 to 36 (as it was shared by @ForeverAloneRage in private i would not share publicly more than the cover)"]



Oh yes please, have my absolute +1!

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An 8-wheel AMX-10RC with no dart? Would be perfect just before the AMX. +1

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I have a couple additions that I hope people will find interesting.

First is this unfortunately poor quality section in what I believe is a catalog for Eurosatory featuring the M8.


Second is an extra picture of the M8.
