Panhard AML NA2. the ATGM carrier.

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caid’s suggestion #195

I want to suggest an interesting light armored car, the AML NA2

the AML NA2 is an anti-tank missile carrier version of the Panhard AML armored car. proposed in 1961, very soon after the AML was marketed and produced, it was mounting the NA2 turret which carry 4x nord S.S.11 or S.S.12 anti-tank guided missile. offered for the international market once the French army clearly showed it was not interested in ordering this version, the AML NA2 offered a very mobile and effective way to fight armored vehicles. however the AML NA2 had many flaws, the ATGM been MCLOS makes it difficult to hit the target without being at least partially exposed, the vehicle also carries a small amount of ammunition, the ATGM is also rather slow, the vehicle is also not suitable to do any other kind of mission that is not about destroying tanks. the AML NA2 was not ordered by anyone. it’s very likely due to the success of the AML 90 which is very capable of fighting almost any tanks from the 60s already and capable of being used in a wide selection of missions at the same time as carrying more ammunition which is a lot cheaper. it remain the AML NA2 was an interesting vehicle that was just a bit too specialized to his role to be successful.

I will suggest only giving this vehicle the S.S.11 ATGM. it was capable of also having the S.S.12 but this came at the cost of carrying only 2 ATGM ready for lunch. the SS.11 is slower and less performing than the SS.12 but still has 600mm of penetration at any distance. the range reaching 3500 m allows to hit a target about anywhere on the map. the missile is flying at a speed of 220 m/sec which is not that fast but still fast enough. the ATGM is MCLOS which requires the player to sit in the same position until it reaches the target. the powerful optic allows the player to easily guide the missile at long distances. 4 missiles are ready to launch and 2 more are stored in an external box on the chassis. a pair of 7.62mm NF 1 machine guns are carried, but I have difficulty telling where. 2000 rounds for the 7.62mm are carried including 400 loaded on the guns.


the mobility of these vehicles is great. the weight has been reduced to 4.500 kg over the AML 90 (which many players might know) while still having the same engine and transmission. That is a huge improvement of mobility which will make the acceleration much better. Hosting a Panhard modèle 4 HD 4-cylinder engine offering 90 hp, the vehicles will have a very interesting power/weight of 20,0 hp/ton. the transmission offering 4 synchronized forward gears and 1 reverse allows the top speed of 90 km/h to be reached fairly easily on flat roads and not only theoretical. the reverse speed of 18 km/h is also pretty decent to get out of bad situations.

the AML was never designed to survive much more than the wind blowing toward it. the NA2 variant is making no exception. the armor is so thin it can hardly stop the bullets of the LMG at medium distance. the crew of 2 men is also very small. the vehicle can be considered to have no armor. but it might be capable of stopping shrapnel if the explosion is not immediately next to it. the vehicle is also rather small and fairly easy to hide. the great mobility also makes it easy to sneak and outmaneuver the enemy. there is no other way to survive than just not getting hit.


Satory Booklet


Only having 6 missiles is quite lackluster, but it can be a very potent vehicles if played right. With the addition of things like ammo boxes it may be more potent, but if it were to be added now it would have to rely on holding cap points for restocks.

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The ability to mix and match SS.11 and SS.12 missiles would be cool. Either way, +1


completely useless.

Not entirely. Depending on the BR it’s placed, the advantage of the optics, mobility, and missile range can make for quite a deadly combo.

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i would not say this much, the armament is the same as the Zachlam Tager, have the same ammo load and it will also have to stay immobile when shooting.

but the AML NA2 have 3 advantages.

  1. it is much more mobile which allows it to take a good position quite early
  2. it has a much better optic which allows it to guide the ATGM more easily at long-range
  3. it has a turret that can turn on 360

while it’s true it’s not the best vehicle, I would not say it’s useless. i think it can be quite potent in certain map such as Maginot line

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