Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

this is only for the british Torndos, Im assuming?
Somebody would probably need to get a document stating it was also possible on the german or italien.


Is it really a gr without it’s storm shadow/boz pods tho xD

Have to say, all this new information is thanks to @Flame2512 spending untold hours copying documents by hand, over numerous visits to the National Archives.

We should all be grateful for enthusiastic community members like @Flame2512.



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If there is one thing that will get our vehicles in better states it’s good documentation.

So I think we should go with a new slogan;
“British Supremacy Through Superior Documentation”

Our documents will block out the sun!


You do not want another Chally incident, do you?

If i have to clarify you need to obtain them through appropriate means then you need a slap.


I mean to some people it is not that obvious…
(Still waiting for the slap)

BNG-9L is dechirped 9L ?

I think it’s just an aerodynamic test round. Note the orange head with no seeker. So it isn’t a captive training round or a live one.


omfg BOL on the gr1, what a time to be alive


Can we use the same argument for the Tornado Like why the F-5C has its flares? Because other F-5’s use then and the C could use it too, So where BOL for the ASSTA1 and 1995 IDS? :)

propably not because it isnt US, else we already might have the PGM bombs as well

and its an entirely mute point currently. Its an exceptionally slim chance Britain will get BOL rails. No point asking for something that may not come to any Tornado

People this has nothing to do with the Tornado.

Take the discussion here

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I know that. I was trying to post tonk-pics but this happened.

And by God is she beautiful. You wouldn’t think she was a weapon.

So I took the Tonka out in sim today (amazingly pulled a positive KD in it, despite its shortcomings). The HUD is absolute pain, not showing your selected target in TWS, not showing a locked target until weapon spooling, no tadpole pointing to target when off HUD etc etc.

I had several head-on, non-maneuvering target, Skyflashes fail to hit. Some detonated prematurely. I suspect (at least on some), I pulled the trigger BEFORE the missile locked on but obviously with radar lock. Does the HUD have some indication of the missile getting track before launch or not? I’m pretty sure it should.

Having said that… for a CCW illuminated target and SARH, are they really incapable of LOAL?



That is what WSO (second pilot) sees, not the one we play as.

Just Skytrash things

WSO once again

LOAL no, but you have like 3s to get the signal back when you lose it

The pilot’s HUD should show the locked target.