Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

we might just get the 9m instead

We haven’t had any direct word on any of these being denied. Only the suggestion of the de-chirped AIM-9L has been concluded.

we definitly at least need Aim-9L(i) for the next generation of planes for those that cant /didnt use aim 9m, else they will not be competitive

Does this mean ALL modified missiles by different nations is denied, or is this Britain only nerf?

I’m not sure of any other specifically but I’m sure there are other examples.

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Oh, I just found out today sorry

Tornado F3 AOP located after Tornado F3 in rank 8 & Tornado F3 FSP located under Tornado F3 AOP to rank 9

I guess Tornado F3 AOP and Tornado F3 FSP BR.

Tornado F3 AOP would be 12.7 BR, Tornado F3 FSP could be 13.0 BR

By the time we get ASRAAM on a Tornado F3. We’ll be in the Typhoon and no one will play a Tornado F3.

I’m guessing we MIGHT get another Tornado F3 with AMRAAM but it would be just as DOA as the first one is



So youd play a Tornado F3 with ASRAAM over a Typhoon F2 with ASRAAM?

I’d fly both, there is enough Gunjob to go around haha.


u want the tornado ecr and recce as well, i dont want them in the german tree, would be happy to share them with you

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Based fellow Tornado enjoyer.


i am looking forward to finishing the tog event, then i am gonna grind modules for my assta


I want to enjoy the Tornado. The Gr1 is fine, but would be nice if they finished it at some point. The handicaps on that aircraft are insane. As for the F3. Vs Mig-29SMTs and F-16s, it just isnt fun. Its fine in ARB where once in a blue moon you are against F4s and Mig-23s, but in SB it can only see uptiers and with it’s placeholder HUD and the poor economy for pure A2A aircraft, its just a chore.

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Co-pilot when?


That is a huge part of it in my opinion. The search modes on the radar are clearly designed for a co-pilot and it does feel like a major handicap at times. Its why no matter what we get next, im hoping its a single seater like the FA2, with any luck, it will have better search modes

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I think we should get ala hmd in planes with co pilots. After all the joystick they have is not for nothing. Also in F4s (not F4S) co pilot has rwr

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Yeah, they certainly need to do something, F-14s too.

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@Gunjob sorry for the ping, but do you have any idea if something like this is considered?

WSO in back seat? Not a clue.


On playstation i think you can kind of do this if you set up a keybinds for pilot and WSO and then share play and allow them to play with you. If it does work it would be like a handicapped WSO but still fun.