Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

But like, how do you get those things. I look left and right but i cant find anything. Is my country the only one where in libraries there is no shelf named “Military domuments, please do not touch”?

Look on the National Archives website. Book documents out and go visit to read those docs. Scanning the stuff you need. Flame has done multiple National Archives visits for this purpose.

Other than that it’s all paying Museums for copies which can get very expensive. And FOIs which have mixed success.

Time, effort and money. And most importantly lots of patience.


So the 3 things im short of most of the year.


wait for your new plane be a new tornado f3 version with amraam capability and they add the active skyflash as an modification before actualy unlocking amraam

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Im going to be very mad if it will be F3 CSP

My hope is that Active Skyflash could go on the F.3 with a modest bump to 11.7. For the CSP/AOP/FSP I’d rather have another Tornado.

Because going from AIM-9L to ASRAAM and Skyflash DF to AIM-120B (let alone the C5) would make the grind horrendous.

You should also stop asking for the CSP haha. That was the AIM-120B and ASRAAM upgrade sure. But the mid course guidance for the AMRAAM wasn’t added in until the AOP.

So if you want to advocate for a AMRAAM Tornado, I’d push for the AOP not the CSP.


That is what makes me nad. When people ask for AMRAAM Tornado they most of the time talk about CSP. And here i am, knowing that if it gets added, it will be a drop an AMRAAM and hope iog gets it to something that it can hit. I think we should just get FSP and be over with interceptor tornados.

I personally would like the FSP with the ASRAAM and AIM-120C5 as that’s the final version.

Functionally I don’t think it would make a huge difference in the things the Tornado fights. You will always lose to pretty much every contemporary fighter in the merge so it might as well have it’s best missiles.


May as well go all the way and ask for the FSP


That would be my recommendation.

And here i talked bout time.
Well, i would love to see it added as soon as possible, and then have new missiles added on the way. Due to WT having to take ballance into account, i doubt it would get ASRAAM early, even tho it appeared before other moder missiles. So it would probably join the game with 9M and early AMRAAM, maybe Active Skyflash if AMRAAM is not there when it is added, and then get 5C and ASRAAM when everyone get comparable things.

We will probably get when everyone got aim9xs

You meant ASRAAM? AMRAAM is the ARH missile that was talked about recently. Multiple nations would get it

Yeah my bad miss read they really need better names for this stuff

You can use the AIM numbers. ASRAAM is 132 and AMRAAM is 120

Thing is, there isn’t a F.3 that carried 9M and AMRAAM, 9M was carried by a limited number of F.3 during the Gulf War along side Skyflash SuperTEMP, that was also after they destroyed 100~ missiles before realizing modifications to the LAU-7 rails to “dechirp” our sidewinders was killing the 9M.

The CSP upgrade replaced the Skyflash SuperTEMP and AIM-9L with ASRAAM and AIM-120B. AOP added in the datalink because the MOD cheaped out and though you could use an AMRAAM without it (you really can’t) and FSP was the AIM-120C5 upgrade.

So a CSP/AOP/FSP Tornado F.3 would naturally have to start with a pair of ASRAAM, then unlock the 4x loadout and then the AMRAAM appropriate to the version.

Even if we went with a “late” F.3 as to add both 120B and 120C5 it still would not have AIM-9L because the very nature of the F.3 “late” versions is they did not carry AIM-9L. Was AIM-9L compatible? Ofcourse Do I think it should come with a “late” F.3? No.

As for the 9M that can only really go on our existing F.3 which if it did get Active Skyflash would make for a nice pairing. On its own its not worth the increase to 11.7 it would bring. You basically give up 11.3 and 10.3 games in favour of a good missile but not particularly useful the F.3 play style.


I meant them as a placeholders (Maybe 9L/i?). It was done before and it should be done here. The moment we get to the ASRAAM, it would force the tornado to top tier. And there it would have no reason to be. There will be much more capable airframes then and Tornado will be a even tastier snack for them than it is for current top dogs.
That is the problem with what UK did. They decided to go with ASRAAM, instead of getting more capable airframe. So they had ASRAAM on a tornado. But in WT it will not go. Ballance must be here. So one nation having a plane with ablility to have nearly guaranteed 4 ir kills from 20km is a no no

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I’m expecting Aim-9M and Aim-120B at a BR of 12.7 and the Devs just calling it a day. I seriously doubt they’d care about things like the loadout being historically accurate, theyll just claim “balance reasons” like they have done for the Jaguar and Phantoms and that will be that


Based on current IRCCM/ECCM features in game I don’t think any missile will be undefeatable. Also new maps appear to have alot more terrain features in them that would aid in balancing out some of the more difficult missiles to defeat. As in real life some of the best ways to defeat any missile is terrain masking.

That is why i typed nearly. ASRAMM iirc uses IIR, so it will be much harder to defeat it. And terrrain is equally mean to everyone.