Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Any idea what altitude the described limits on the GMR range against armour might correspond to?
“low level” is vague but it seems quite natural to me that it’d be short in the low level domain Tornado was supposed to operate at, simply because of obstruction by terrain features.
At higher altitudes it might have a greater detection and acquisition range, but so would any AA threats that the Tornado typically flies low to avoid, and therefore wasn’t considered worth characterising

On the M2K-5F with Damocles, PGM still refuses to fire until around 6-7km away when previously on dev server they’d fire at 20km away. Might put in a report today.

Yeah, I think that is exactly the issue, just artificial range capping causing issues, especially in SB. I think it might also be causing some to miss if you dropped from too high. Im not sure how good they are at adjust their alt when dropped from high alt but close range

Do you have stage 2g scan angle mode limits?, the actual angle limit in adv is from type w

The angle limits in game have always been for the final version of the Foxhunter, as they come from a manual dated just before the F.3 was retired. The scan patterns need some work, but the mechanical limits of the radar are correct.


Are they? Currently the scan/mech limit is ±60°, I thought it was ±56°.



Yep, it’s ±60° in game.

Ok, just to understand

And About skyflash ST issues? Like explode sometimes: losing track, bugs, the monopulse seeker feels like dont filter the ground in low level target, low damage some times.

And about performances? The super temp should not pull 30g because was had a new aerodynamic improvements? New seeker?, which is basically like the old skyflash but a new engine

The super temp should not pull 30g because was had a new aerodynamic improvements?

The SuperTEMP retained the same 25g maneuverability of the regular Skyflash.

New seeker?

The seeker performance was pretty much the same as regular Skyflash.

basically like the old skyflash but a new engine

The only real changes to the SuperTEMP were a new engine and slightly less drag.

the monopulse seeker feels like dont filter the ground in low level target

I’ve made numerous reports about that. It should be able to hit targets flying at 100 ft altitude.

Like explode sometimes: losing track, low damage some times.

If that happens you should get a video of it (and a log file) then either make a report or post it and tag @Gunjob to take a look and decide if it’s a valid issue.


correction, its not anymore, guess that fix went off my radar. So ye its the scan patterns which are the issue.

I wonder Tornado F3 CSP (Capability Sustainment Programme) mounted AIM-9M ?

But I’m not sure that Tornado F3 in UK tech tree got AIM-9M ?

AIM-9M was a gulf war modification well before CSP, and CSP replaced the sidewinders all together with ASRAAM.

I dont think we’ll see Aim-9M until we get some overhauls on how CMs are handled. But I do hope we see them sooner rather than later. We could do with an upgrade over the Aim-9Ls in their current state

thank you very much, too much appreciated, you have killed my doubts, I have some videos about it, and if possible I will put it.

Regarding the Skyflash issues, I just had 2 engagements back to back where the missile just wander off to nowhere despite perfect launch conditions. I’ve saved a clip of that match and maybe @Gunjob can take a look and see if it is a bug or just me being dumb?

Don’t think the AI planes in the background were the issue here as in both cases they were at least a couple KMs behind the target and have a much smaller closure rate than the target. Had quite a few engagements now where the missile just locks onto seemingly nothing despite the radar having a good lock, this became especially noticeable after the radar buff.

It’s far harder to see in SB, but I think i’ve had situation too where the skyflash missed what should have been a relatively easy shot. If they veered off course as yours did, then that would explain why they missed.

What I think happened with the first shot is the missile despite you locking up “VanillaSoup” I think the Skyflash went for the MIG-29 who then notched which sent the missile dumb. Second shot similar thing happened it but it went for the AI, I’ve had similar issues with the missile just flying upward but I’ve not been able to make it repeatable.

There is also a possibility that its all just issues with higher latency leading to the missile going dumb, but no you’re not doing anything wrong.

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Maybe he confused units and degrees of AOA in his answer.

Unlikely, it was in an official Panavia publication and everything else was given in units.

Also it seems that unfortunately that tool is probably not much use for converting AoA units to degrees.