Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

THough how long does it guide interially? I’ve heard it should keep going for about 60 seconds, but i’ve seen them self destruct within seconds of losing radar lock

In game it is Edit:5 seconds, unless very close to the enemy, then it will go for the kill instead.
but also

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@MiG_23M moving over here to stay on topic. I could talk about the ground mapping and terrain following radars on the Tornado (both absent from the Phantom). Or the navigation and attack system, which was far in advance of that fitted to British Phantoms (which was more advanced than that fitted to the US Phantoms). But your argument basically amounts to “if you stripped a Phantom back to bare metal and put everything which made the Tornado good into it then it would be a good aircraft”, so I can tell where that would go: “just put all that stuff on the Phantom instead”.

One thing you can’t get around though is that the Tornado IDS airframe provided a far more stable and comfortable weapons platform for sustained high speed low altitude penetration than the F-4 airframe can provide (the main requirement of Tornado):


Interesting, unexpectedly remarkable figure of F-104

I mean it’s basically scaling with wing loading so sort of expected.

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Also point is that all phantom airplanes at that time were second hand because the production ended. So the airframes had to endure a pretty extensive rebuild look at the F-4J(UK) for that.

Secondly the upgradability with an old platform is way worse than a new one. Just compare a modern phantom with an Tornado GR 4. It’s no where near equal.

And don’t let me get started on weapons integration

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I cant find any concrete source, but it seems like Tornado Gr.4 trailed sniper pod. Does that make a chance that it will get it?

Doesn’t need it. GR4 carried the LITENING III which is just as capable if not more so.

  • Tornado F.3 — a bug that caused the radar display to show on the RWR display in the cockpit instruments has been fixed. (Report)

Aside from the missing slats settings what is wrong with the flight performance currently?

Obligatory: Dev server is subject to change. If the F-111 is performing wrong then report it and it may be fixed.



all aspects of the turn performance lol

I was including that with the slats issue.

right, guess i would say the g-lock up is a seperate issue

Yay RWR screen is fixed.


They take RAF manuals as gospel, which we know are conservative to increase airframe lifetime and from first-hand accounts of pilots. Whereas the Aardvark is pulling 12Gs with the wings fully swept back and flying 200 mph faster on the deck than the Tornado IDS.

May being the correct operator. If the fix involves nerfing UK vehicles it gets deployed yesterday. If the fix involves nerfing US/Russian vehicles all bets are off. The IDS still has gimped payload options, and I doubt they’ll ever be addressed.


Manual’s are primarily documents so of course they going to take priority. Also IDS load outs are correct be what’s available in game. Additionally the nation a vehicle is from does not affect whether bug will be fixed or not.

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Let’s see their primary source for the Aardvark having this much of a flight performance edge over a newer jet.

You can’t seriously believe this. The MiG-29 was underperforming, not even bugged, so they threw the R-27ER at it less than a month after releasing it. Meanwhile the UK still has no viable supersonic aircraft above 11.3 (even calling the British phantoms and Tornado F.3 viable is a stretch). The best fighter in the UK tree was added four years ago.

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Yep. US mains are going to have fun when they realise the manual limitation for the F-111A is 3G lol:


Wooof thats low. Is that the turn performance or the structural limit? Saying that 3x1.5 isn’t alot either.