Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Volume 2 of that document would likely contain much more interesting information. Unfortunately that was not in the folder at the National Archives.

Indeed but good luck finding the document with only “volume 2: the technical volume” as the only guide haha.

Unfortunately a lot of the time at the National Archives you order a very generically named folder (that one was called “air to air weapons”) with no real idea what documents will be in it. So if I ever do find volume 2 there then it will be more luck than judgement.


is it the same motor as skyflash supertemp ?

The mock ups at the museum appear to be standard Skyflash with the branding “Active Skyflash” on them, no?

Telling Skyflash and Skyflash SuperTEMP apart visually is very difficult. The document from the National Archives implies that Active Skyflash is based upon the TEMP, rather than the SuperTEMP though. Personally I’d imagine that had the project gone ahead it would have ended up using the SuperTEMP body.

As far as I know all the pictures of Active Skyflash are dummy Skyflash missiles with “Active Skyflash” painted on them.


Yeah seems to be the case, I’d argue we could see an active Skyflash for early Tornado variants but with the option for AMRAAM… Conversations already been had lol

doesnt the supertemp have a thicker body? kinda like the R-27ER? or am i confusing it with another missile

thinking about this, doesnt make sense. itd need to fit in the wells so probably not. my bad

It does not, externally they look almost identical to the standard Skyflash, other than the fins which are “thinner” but no idea how much thinner.

did some quick searching and apparently the wing bases are painted white to differentiate a supertemp from a normal skyflash. not entirely sure if its true but if it is, there you go

not really sure how useful this is but its an interesting read:

no, the motor just appears differently at the rear, thats basically the only way to tell

As part of the “Other” torando thread about the MFG, I decided to jump into it in a test flgiht and was surprised by the A2A radar.

Is this something all the Tornado IDS had (same radar in-game, just with this added feature) and so the Torando Gr1 should get a limited, but full radar. or did the MFG have a different radar?

They all had the same radar.

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Thank you

Will be limited, but could be useful. I hope we get that addition at some point then. You mentioned a while back about an overhaul for the radar in the Gr1. Any news on that?

Don’t have updates on that, obviously the ACM mode got updated but realistically there should be no differences between the IDS/GR1 variants even if the others don’t have ASM’s.

Thank you, yeah, not sure why they seem to make more work for themselves like this. Must just be simpler and easier to have 1 radar for all 4

Out of curiosty. Did the tornado have a “bitching betty”. Do you reckon we would get it in game for aircraft that do?

Tornado most definitely had a Bitchin’ Betty

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you can quite easily make those yourself using wtrti and some audio recordings. i made one for me MiG-29:

(just make sure to make it so it only gives alt warnings when the altitude is decreasing, taking off is pain otherwise)

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Would it work on console?