Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Yeah, sounds like the same SB bug, was the match going on for a while?

Also I did have a situation the other day where TWS and SRC identified a target as hostile. was not hostile. As that guy had been TKed multiple times, I assumed it was just that guy bugging out. But definetly worth keeping an eye out.

Don’t compare 90’s Pantsir and 00’s Pantsir. They are completely different, the first iteration didn’t even have PESA radar. And frequency of 1RS2 multifunctional radar is well known - 34 HGz (Ka band).

Of course. I can’t say for NATO systems, but for example Su-30SM, Su-35S for sure able to detect such frequencies.

This is a fictional problem that has nothing to do with reality.

It is absolutely relevant, how are they managing to get apparently lossless performance out of the system.

Maybe my point was lost a little but at its most basic, how does the the tracking radar steer its beam(s)?

or further illuminate multiple targets, which either;

  • Requires that the T/R modules (or zone / subsection of modules) be assigned to a particular target and then steer their beam as a group, simultaneously alongside the other zones. this causes interference between them, effecting the SNR of the system due to arriving out of phase at each of the targets.

  • Timeshares the beam(s) between targets and updates their positions every so often (as a command guided missile, unlike SARH guidance, an uninterrupted guidance signal is not necessary, though has an impact of flight efficiency and other performance aspects of related to missile flight and accuracy of the predicted point of impact).

  • Digitally reconstructs the scene from projected returns with no change to the scanning pattern regardless of state, the issue here is that it is far less energy efficient than the other schema as energy is not focused on a target and so is effectively wasted on significant unneeded volume.

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It’s SPO-150 Pastel. We have 3 heli ( Ka-50, Mi-28N, Mi-28NM ) and 2 planes ( Su-39/25T ) in game with this

SPO-150 is wrong name, it’s L-150.

L-150 exist in huge variety of different variants. L-150-28 on Mi-28N(M) isn’t able to detect mm waves, while L-150-30-SM on Su-30SM can.


Which variant of the Pantsir do we have in game? The 1990’s or the 2000’s?

Rectangular radar dish and 57E6/95Ya6 missiles shows it’s the production Pantsir-S1 from the mid-2000s.
The 1990s prototype system had a parabolic dish radar and 9М335 missiles

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An interesting one, Tornado GR.1 under going trials of the AGM-130;


I wonder if it would have included either of the datalink pods(AN/AXQ-14 or AN/ZSW-1) in order to allow for post-release control.

Without the trial report I doubt we will ever know. I’ve popped in an internal report for it to be added to GR.1, but as we don’t have it in game yet it will likely be some time before we see it. Gives me plenty of time to try and find the trial report in question.

@tripod2008 @Gunjob Here is a Rockwell International Brochure for the AGM-130: AGM-130 (1)-960

It includes this image of the Tornado installation if that is any use in working it out:

Based on this bit I guess it probably wasn’t at the stage of integrating the datalink pod at the time of the brochure:

The image seems to just be illustrative of the Tornado.
It’s the Italian P05 prototype X-586 carrying camera equipment pods on the wing and a munition I don’t recognise under the fuselage. Seems to be unrelated to AGM-130 otherwise

That said, the PGM/Hakim we already have for Tornado are supposed to have options for a data-link pod as well, so may also be worth pursuing that along with the AGM-130 pod.

Just love GR1 from being worst tornado variant in the game due to engine to one of the best because of weaponry (still missing ALARM)

That certainly seems to be the same photo. Nice find.

It’s the first time I’ve seen any indication that a GBU-15 was fitted to a US F-16A/B ( and a Block 1 / FSB at that due to the Black Radome) I know that a Block -40 was tested, and that they were used by the Israeli’s.

It might be worth reporting, though may well sit there for a while like my GPU-5/A report(Report is now hidden / link broken), that is still yet to be actioned even though it was submitted (and accepted) back when the F-16 was introduced onto the dev server[Apex Predators, ~December, 2022] though I still need to do one up for the;

After all if the Yak-141 can get proposed design features that never actually materialized why not others in order to allow them to remain relevant.

The main points of difference between the GBU-8 / -9 & GBU-15 and why they would be worth implementing, are
  • The options for the BLU-109 (1000lb AP warhead, which may become relevant when bomb penetration is reworked, and considering the sheer number of permutations of the various modular kits things are going to be interesting seeing how they deal with the issue a the custom loadouts probably aren’t quite ready for that magnitude of options), and dispenser payloads to be taken in pace of the 2000lb GPHE warhead.
  • The IIR seeker options(the KMU-359/B & WGU-10/B respectively) for both aren’t implemented.
  • The PWW(AGM-112 / GBU-20) kit likely won’t be added since it never saw service, and would be better suited to a high altitude release platform like the B-52.
  • The Datalink / Post release control hasn’t been implemented yet, even though the (US) F-4E should be able to use it.
  • The EGBU-15 & AGM-130 subvariants are effectively duplicated counterparts to the AGM-62 ERDL and AGM-84E used by Navy Airframes so would likely wait for their implementation in the A-6E / A-7E & F/A-18 before being fitted to higher performance airframes like the F-111F and F-15E.
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ADV goes up to 11.7 in sim

I was afraid of that. Will they ever learn to listen to the community.

Gr1 is not moving, should be joining MFG at 11.0 in SB

Changes can be found here;

Only IDS/GR1 that’s moving is the Tornado IDS ASSTA1 in sim down to 11.3.