Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Oh yeah my bad. I meant the ADV

Nope, they didn’t want to pay for the upgrades and as such ended the lease and gave them back. The Skyflash SuperTEMP likely didn’t see service on them but as a balancing choice they have them in game.

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otherwise if you intrested missing ground ordenance for the italien striker version is gbu 12 , 32, storm shadow, MW-1, JP233 and the AGM 88B, 88E

Is there not a version with AIM-120A and no ASRAAM? I can’t imagine the A variant still being in use.

Not that I’ve been able to source.

Nobody bought 120A so no, earliest is 120B for the early 2000’s and that’s the same time period as ASRAAM if not later.

120B and ASRAAM came in the same upgrade.

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Indeed, therefore I don’t believe there could be a manual with one without the other, and without the mid course guidance facility the early manuals for 120B probably won’t be very helpful either.

Well based off at least one Aircrew interview with a yank on transfer to the RAF at the time we didn’t have the manuals for the AMRAAM either because of the Meteor development, as it was a competing product.

Obviously hard to verify those claims but they might have some credence.

What of the Harrier 2 then? Not sure if those carried ASRAAM.

Our Harrier II’s GR5/7/9 all carried ASRAAM during trials but primarily only fired AIM-9G/L/Li/M and didn’t field the AMRAAM at all. Only the Sea Harrier FA.2 carried AMRAAM, primarily the AIM-120B. The FA.2 also carried ASRAAM, although not always in conjunction with AMRAAM.

With the new eco update, decided to fly out the Tonka F3 again, so i could try and enjoy it without worrying about loosing SL.

Anyway, its still not fun, outclassed, 10.7 worthy at best in its current state.

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Lord help the 9.7’s you think the F3 should be fighting…


Actually, I think, In SB at least, that would be the more appropriate place for it. Along side the Phantom FGR2 that also has an SB rating of 10.7. Or at least 11.

Was this ARB or SB?

I mean the Missiles dont have the range, and the radar keeps doing some funky stuff, they’ll be ok.

I mean its better than the FGR.2/FG.1.

  • better missiles both MRAAM and SRAAM
  • drastically better radar
  • better low level top speed
  • better high level top speed
  • dramatically more countermeasures
  • longer endurance
  • doesn’t need the super heavy external gun pod. (which butchers the Spey Phantoms flight performance).
  • In the future the RHWR will make the Phantoms look archaic

The Phantoms have better acceleration and can turn better… Incredible.


True, though they share the same BR in ARB, so there must be some reasonable comparison to be made. Not entirely sure why in SB then the FGR2 goes to 10.7 and the F3 11.7.

One of these has all-aspect missiles, a superior radar, superior radar missiles and more situational awareness sensors and you are curious why it goes up while the other goes down? He just outlined why it’s better for that.

Its just one of those jets that’s the victim of BR Compression.

Always upped against jets its cant realistically fight unless flown by an absolute womble.

Its out sticked and out performed by its counterparts at that BR.

Extend the upper BR, move some jets up and keep the F3 at 11.3 and it’ll be fine.