Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

You don’t even need to get that close since you outrange every SPAA bar the pantsir (which is on your team), and throwing KH-38s from 20km is the same as from 5 or 10km except you’re closer to the airfield to rearm lol

Completely valid, but, can’t help but feel a little annoyed that you have to work hard to be slightly useful while someone else can spawn, spam missiles and get away with it completely unharmed. Not that it should be easy for everyone, but it would be more balanced if anyone using CAS had to have a strategy, if you know what I mean.

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That is always my greatest complaint, no issue with CAS being hard, it should (to a degree, should also be very effective given the SP cost) but aircraft to aircraft let alone nation to nation balance is all over the place.

You have easy mode like the Su-34s have all the way to the Tornado ASSTA1/GR1/A200As that are probably the hardest you have at top tier. But they all cost virtually the same


Playing top-tier ground tonight with the Tonka vs the S1, I would honestly prefer to get hit in the twins

All that’s needed is for one Pantsir to watch the air spawn and click

Brimstones are fun if you get to actually use them but what’s the point when you can take 6x Kh-38


The GR4 massively sucks in comparison to the GR1. Top tier ground has lots of SPAMRAAM jets flying around and it stacks up abysmally against planes its own BR already. GR1 remains far superior BR for BR.

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We got the Typhoon before Bol pods on gr4



the new minimap target point feature is gonna make things like Brimstone (SAL that launches in point and can loft/be launched upwards) incredible, if you know there’s a sam in spawn you can just set the point there and launch from cover without needing to actually see the target, then just pop up and lase when the missile gets close

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Just saw the new EN dev stream

I just… still can’t get why Tornado F.3 Late stays 13.3BR
While the F-15E and Eurofighter, Rafale are stuck at 13.7.

As a 100% joke, Gaijin must’ve be a Tornado hater…


nah it’s a compression issue, lowest Fox-3 carrier (excluding F-14s) is 13.0 iirc, the SHar FA.2 is the same BR as the AV-8B+ which has a much better FM and can carry more missiles without having to sacrifice it’s guns either. They should be different BRs but the insane amount of top tier compression has them in the same spot.

Hopes decompression which usually follows a month after update will solve the problem…

sadly last decompressing on july ended up with same clusterfuck level
because they kept Tornado F.3 Late just one step belower to F-15C
(from 12.7/13.0 to 13.3/13.7)

I am worrying about the same mistakes going to happen on next decompressing too. :/

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Well, the Typhoon has now made the Tornado F.3 Late and GR.4 kinda useless

At least it looks like a great plane

It was always going to make the F.3 late redundant so long as it stays at 13.3 but definitely wasnt expecting them to add the FGR.4 the update after the GR.4 and completely kill it off like that. I guess the GR.4 still has the PGMs but i’m not sure how much difference that will make…

Tornado GR.4 will receive BOL in the major update.


Awesome news

Very Noice

Bless the snail

Tornado GR.4 infinite flares incoming

Any plans to lower the F.3 lates br ? Theres no reason it couldn’t be 13.0 alongside the F4F ICE

Or perhaps better yet, give it Phimat pods

Phimat and move to 13.0? :)