Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

The IRD’s aren’t modelled remotely correct and the chaff is less effective than the chaff from a ALE-40 or other standard calibre chaff despite a very slight difference in overall weight per packet.



Did they change anything with the F.3s radar? The F.3 early one that is? Just magically going for chaff left right and centre in PD.

So the Tornados large caliber flares are worse than all other large caliber flares?

He’s talking about BOL underperforming

No just the BOL pods. The large calibre CMs are the same as all the other large calibre CMs

Countermeasures fit into the following categories;

Large calibre
Standard calibre


Yea, the Tornados with BOL have bad CMs is what you’re saying or am I stupid

BOL by themselfs are bad, not only tornado.


thats what he is saying. They are worse overall

but why lol

BOL got nerfed hard after the Gripen was added as a method of nerfing the Gripen. But they just nerfed all BOL into the ground. Whilst the Gripen has the FM and temp that its perfectly fine usually. Everything that used or now uses BOL struggles a lot with the lack of effective CMs.

Tornado F3 and Sea Harrier FA2 are notable aircraft that feel like they have almost no CMs despite having well over 300. Especially when dealing with an ARH fired at them. Heres the bug report for the chaff: Community Bug Reporting System

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To add to this.

When it comes to BOl Chaff, it shoudl be only slighly less effective than the standard one, but iirc they could be customised to target certain bands, so it should be something like: slightly weaker than standard against most bands but stronger against for example I band.

BOL IR is a different strory. It should be the best IR decoy in the game. They have a shorter burn time compared to standard flares, but have a much shorter rise time, and a much greater zone of effectivnes, both size and IR wave wise.

Not even that neccesarily. If I recall from a conversation I read elsewhere on the forums. BOL uses a plastic casing. The Soviet chaff cartridge i think uses a metal casing. That alone may explain the difference in wieght and mitigate any difference in the amount of actual chaff within each cartridge.

Wasnt the mass given of the chaff only? I thought so, but if it was chaff + casing then you are correct.

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I have absolutely no idea for either BOL or the soviet chaff. That is a flame question. I assumed total weight.

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Don’t worry, if this update’s any indicator they are still intent on bringing Gripen into also being screwed by poor BOL implementation without telling folk.

Yeah… wont be long till the Tornado can out-rate fight the gripen

Jeez lost count how many times Gripen got nerf while F-16C remains untouched

Yep. Also fun that they nerfed it again in the same update that they added a plane with the FM Gripen should have got. But minor nations aren’t meant to compete.