Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Newer tornados will come with maw pods and ecm pods as well.
Germany would get iris-t hopefully and maybe glide bombs

Sadly no brimstones

So decided to try it now that it actually has CMs, but periodic release can’t be set?

Yes it can? Use the binding to select which CM you want active and hit the periodic release key.

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it gets more and more tempting to get an mmorpg mouse for war thunder for all the radio, switch, radar and countermeasure keys lol


Still waiting for all Tornado’s IDS/GR.1 to get there Search Radar… because currently only the MFG gets it…

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You can press the button and make it release, sure. But all of the stuff you’d actually set to make it how you wanted is gone, such as the number of drops per release or delay.

you can still use periodic release i just tested it, it continously spews out the chaff only as i intended it
I didnt find the setting for release rate. But it does work

Knowing Gaijin, I would assume when you change the Heli one it coppies over(if the heli one is still possible)

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It’s also in the game’s Air Battle Settings among the main Options menus where you also set graphics and UI preferences
But yeah, it’s gone from the pre-Battle and Test Drive spawn settings menu

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The most useful response. Thank you for highlighting where the pricks hid it.

A shit change with bugger all documentation that I could find. Went looking for it but apparently it doesn’t show up in match. The time where you actually would be most likely to change it.

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thinking about it i only just realised it was missing, i always pre change it using test flight anyway tbh so it never affected me.

I have a fondness for ground attackers, but haven’t had a chance to play many of them since moving (given sim stuff is still in a box somewhere), so didn’t realise it was missing. But if nado was fixed, would have given me some incentive to dig it out. Had to change periodic countermeasures per plane occasionally, so it was helpful to have it in the actual match.

Unlock flare/chaff BOL, mount BOL rails, enter battle… no extra CMs, lovely. Was planning on keeping the large CMs as flares and having mostly chaff for BOL but looks like flare/chaff is a prerequesite for using BOL

Are you still using the stock irs? Iirc it still has the bug where you need the last ir missile modification for the bol to actually work.

I’ll get the 9L mod and see if that fixes it, thanks

Time to wait Community Bug Reporting System

Looks like even with a fixed delay of 0.6s, amraam will probably be our best CQC missile.


F.3 HUD updates are live;


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