Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

@Gunjob Is this also the same for the GB one? And is there any reason for it IRL?

As for a reason, check space

Thats the thing, space is enough
I Can take the GBU+2 High drag bombs which are bigger, but the GBU+2 Normal Bombs isnt allowed

Then i dunno. Might be a bug.


Probably a bug

Must be

Bug, think it was fixed on GR.1 already.

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Still trying to find someone who has the Italian IDS, I have a feeling it might has also the Issue

Good luck with that

Had luck, found 3 with the 1995 one, and it has the same issue… :(

Lets see what will come out…

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While you still can, add screenshots showing the space is clearly there

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Good luck

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Anyone know how good are the Brimstone missiles and If the GR1 could carry them?

Brimstone Will be extremly good and there Is a picture of the GR1 with them, but probably we Will see them on the GR4


It will be so disappointing if gr4 comes out and it has no ASRAAM or brimstones so I am pretty sure it will come with one of those or both. It will be really fun to fire off 12 brimstones at once and fly off.

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If not then a better TGP would be nice. And you lose the PGM’s. But we might get some Paveway IV’s with it so…

Storm shadow would be nice too. It won’t be meta but will be nice to have GPS fire and forget bombs + stealth.