Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

I think its based upon the lock range of the TV sight on the PGM. That I think can be a tad problematic out to max ranges of the PGM

Tested it in SB, vs an AF runway. yeah wouldnt let me fire till well within 10km. But I dont know if that is normal or not because its not a weapon system I use very often in that manner

The behaviour is strange. In a custom battle, I was able to lock (point) and launch at 23km just fine. But in an actual battle, it wasn’t possible until around 10km. Well, more testing needed I guess

I think its all down to the render distances. Being TV guided, you have to wait for the seeker on the PGM to lock, even if you lock via the TIALD. That means that sometimes, it just wont let you fire. Especially as it seems unhappy being locked onto the terrain rather than a vehicle.

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So I did some more testing, and it seems it’s just inconsistent, so I guess the rendering distance is very wonky (either per map, or some weather conditions). In an AirRB battle on Rocky Pilars with Thin Clouds, I was able to lock the base at 17km just fine.


Happy to see the Skyflash SuperTEMP is still rubbish!! Constantly explodes just before reaching its target or misses by a big margin, yet the Americans and Russians have missiles that hit you no matter what. You’re flying down low? They hit. You flare/chaff them? They hit. You jink them, they hit.

Wasn’t the Skyflash meant to be the only SARH missile which factually performed at low altitudes? What happened to that?

Its a complete joke and needs fixing. This will probably be taken down by Gaijin anyway as its against their agenda.

First no, all Inverse Monopulse should do, second it is SARH not IR

Yeah my mistake, I meant SARH…

And when it comes to missing. All missiles do, Skyflash is WELL known in community for it but proving it is hard

All missiles miss, I’m not denying they miss. But the Skyflash misses a lot more than others!! Proving it isn’t hard at all there’s so many videos proving it… Getting them to acknowledge it is the hard part.

my friend’s F3 KD is 15. can you believe that ?

I did have one give up and explode despite good PD lock the other day, but so did the 9L I also fired, so I just guessed it was SB being SB

Its pretty much every radar missile, the more manoeuvrable the worse it gets. The only exceptions appears to be the sparrow E2 and the 27ER

If it’s possible, I might hope gajin implemented AIM-9L/i on Tornado IDS ASSTA 1 & Tornado IDS (1995) and increase at 11.7 BR in major update Alpha Strike”!

And not forgot implemented add new AIM-9 with IRCCM on Tornado F3 for UK tech tree at the same time

9Ms for the Tornado Gr1 too…

I think best to wait till after June though for the CM changes

So gajin implemented in Q2

In June update we are getting split CMs, which means we could get our 1200 missing chaff. If we do, alongside other outstanding buffs, like BOL, Radar, CBUs, FM, etc. Then we might end up at 11.7 anyway. IRCCM missiles would then be needed.

I hope they don’t, Tornado is bad enough as it is. I would prefer if they introduced a new version of the Tornado for Germany, like the IDS SLE which is already long overdue:

Like the Tornado IDS and F-16A came at the same time, but we are still stuck with the basic crap Tornado while the F-16C came out like three patches ago…

Radar changes look interesting. Don’t fully understand them, but I think it should be a good buff for the F3

So the javelin has gotten a nice FM buff, will the tornado also get some love this patch ??

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