The GR.4 did. I don’t think any others did though.
Weird that it wasnt also used on the IDS ASSTA3 for example. But I guess with BOZ EC, there wasnt that much of a need
Has there been any word on getting Radar Symbology for the cockpit yet? It would make a massive difference to the F3 in SB and would be just as impactful for both the FRS1 and FA2 if its ever added.
Apparently tornado can guide skyflash with TWS now
Hmmm… That would be a handy trick. Bug or feature?
It does allow you to fire them in TWS now but they don’t seem to track onto anything once fired, I would assume it is a dev server bug but it could also be still WIP?
Presumably that must be a bug
It is a bug, but i mamaged to land one kill with tws. Most of the time they go to the side and explode. And this bug is present on most sarh missiles now.
Can you fire them in PD HDN without a lock as well? Or just TWS?
Is RWR supposed to be like this?
Well, no matter how i look at it, it is just wrong. A bug then
That’s a bug.
At least it looks like its getting the new RWR, would suck if it was stuck with the old system in SB
I feel like you have more flight hours in the Tornado than any RAF pilot
56% winrate and a k\d barely higher than 2 is not exactly a sign of good performance, considering that you most likely didn’t grind all the modules and just bought your way up with GE. (I now recover my own k\d of F3 from its absolute hellpit it was in after a stock grind without premium acc, but it’s already 2.0+)
But I really wanted to ask you a thing about the whole tornado ordeal: I saw you advokating for F3 remaining in its current state in this or the other thread, so can you enlighten me about the reasoning of why we need a 4th 11.3 jet which can score frags only by utilising low cerebral activitly levels of the absolute majority of top tier players?
Why do we still have to suffer the horrible stats of skyflash that can be quite easily dodged at low-med altitude even in ideal launch situations by practically every plane of your br except maybe for phantoms and mig23s? (hopefully that proximity fuze range buff is going to help a bit)
I could continue this list of tornado’s issues on, but you most likely know more about them than me, so I want to know this: why exactly shouldn’t tornado F3 get ‘M’ sidewinders and, for example, amraams without mid-course upgrades (as I understand it, wouldn’t that be simply amraams without F&F capability? Correct me, if I’m assuming wrong here) with a br increase to 12.0? That wouldn’t get the plane into a position any worse than it currently is in, but at least will allow to engage its peers on proper range, and most importantly rid ourselves of this crutch of 11.3 br, because this plane shouldn’t have been there in the first place. (I ask you with respect to abandon any attempts at ‘get good’, your own stats show that this plane is barely playable and only due to crutches and the general ‘unhealthy’ situation on top tier)
I would really like to believe that there is another reason at work for this over than that Britain’s role in this game is to be a punching bag due to some personal issues of one or several members of the dev team, but something tells me that there is none.
Some people just enjoy casually playing the game with no intense program for how they’re gonna fly or play their ground vehicle. They just go in, side climb, shoot at targets as they appear and otherwise just enjoy the match. This isn’t COD. If you look at the average winrate of a vehicle, and it’s above 50%… chances are it’s efficient. It’s not performing poorly.
You missed my point being that it performs ‘barely tolerable’ and only due to crutches like low br and the performance of the majority top tier playerbase.
And the main point of my post was to ask about why can’t we recieve the aforementioned weaponry with increased br, not the pointless ‘skill measurements’ to put it politely.
It performs above average in mostly up-tiers with current matchmaker… according to Gunjobs stats.
They said it could receive improved weaponry with correlated BR increase in the future when they add fox-3s to other countries as well.