Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

It likely would perhaps a blend between the R-24Ts range and the R-73/Magic 2. Which would be nice.

But even with a reliable 15mile IR missile…The F-15s and F-16s in game can defeat it kinematically. It’s on a barely supersonic bomber. The lock on after launch feature wont be incorporated

Makes me wonder if they will add datalink GPS functionality to the relevant Paveways’ at some point.

Raytheon Demonstrates Enhanced Paveway II Data Link Capability

“Two Enhanced Paveway IIs were dropped from a United Kingdom Royal Air Force (RAF) Tornado GR4 aircraft. Each weapon was twice updated in flight with new target coordinates, and the precision guided munitions accepted the retargeting coordinates and successfully flew to their new final targets”.


They do have it. Kind of. You can change the location using laser. After the, due to how it works in game, GNSS is turned off, but IOG with 0 drift is turned on, to simulate it.

In one episode of your Tornado video, you happened to shoot down a friendly even though you weren’t aiming at it. This has happened to me on a number of occasions, can you explain to me how does this occur, and how can we avoid it in tight turn multiple plane bogie-friendly engagements?

With which missile haha help me narrow it down?

It is in the “Loving the Stage -2G Tornado radar youtube video clip”, it happens at minute 2:05. I did not identify the missile but it was while you were doing tight turns to get a better firing position on the bogies.

The biggest reason for me brining this up, is that if it happens in cases where it is clear we are not intending to shoot down friendlies, then gajiin should not be subtracting silver lions away from the player making the initial shot at the bogie plane.

As a compensation the person that got shot down can then receive lets say 5k silver lions and 5k research points. This seems fair trade off to me. Now it should not be abused when players intentional set up matches and shoot each other down just to get easy research points.

You know you can apologise and neither person will pay any reparations

Ohh that was a sidewinder. A F-14 crossed the FOV of the missile and the F-14 is a really hot target so it switched.

Ahh, I remember when it happened to me an L button sign appeared, but I was too concentrated on maneuvering to press it. If it happens next time, and I press the L button and I apologies for the friendly fire incident, I wont loose SL?

You have “L” bound to team chat thingamajig? Well yeah it’s the same button that allows you to thank a teammate after they help repair you in GRB. Unless it defaults to “T”.

Yes I have the L button to thank team mates who helped repair my tank .When playing ground I press it all the time. I did not know that it has a similar effect in air battles and serves as an apology for team kills. It has only happened like two or three times to me, and its only during the last battle that I clearly noticed the L button pop up. I just did not press it on time, since I was maneuvering to get out of missile trouble.

So, if I press it next time around, hopefully it does not occur any time soon, the player who got shot down and myself wont be penalized SL currency?

Well… There is one caveat in which the person you shot down has to accept the apology. So…

Ahh, so there is a double confirmation need on the part of the person who got shot down to accepts the apology and confirm that it is not “done on purpose shot”. Well that is assuming the other person knows about this aspect of the game, I certainly did not know. Thanks for clarifying, learnt something new about war thunder today.

is there any information on whether proximity fuse will get brimstone?

It’d be nice if they added the Harrier GR.9A with Brimstone instead of this “Proximity Fuse” thing you’re talking about.

No news yet about the proxy on Brim’s.

Gr9A is mmV only unfortunately


I don’t know what it’s called in English exactly, in Russian it’s usually called “radiovzryvatel”, which is probably more accurately translated as radio detonator, but in English I usually hear Proximity Fuse, and judging by the translator, Fuse has many meanings, including the one I had in mind.

bad, i hope they add this and then it will make sense to add brimstone to apache