Panavia Tornado (UK versions) - Technical data and discussion

Not even that neccesarily. If I recall from a conversation I read elsewhere on the forums. BOL uses a plastic casing. The Soviet chaff cartridge i think uses a metal casing. That alone may explain the difference in wieght and mitigate any difference in the amount of actual chaff within each cartridge.

Wasnt the mass given of the chaff only? I thought so, but if it was chaff + casing then you are correct.

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I have absolutely no idea for either BOL or the soviet chaff. That is a flame question. I assumed total weight.

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Don’t worry, if this update’s any indicator they are still intent on bringing Gripen into also being screwed by poor BOL implementation without telling folk.

Yeah… wont be long till the Tornado can out-rate fight the gripen

Jeez lost count how many times Gripen got nerf while F-16C remains untouched

Yep. Also fun that they nerfed it again in the same update that they added a plane with the FM Gripen should have got. But minor nations aren’t meant to compete.

Did they not confirm somewhere that due to a game limitation they could either have the F-16s overperform or underperform, and they chose for it to overperform.

I feel like I saw that mentioned in one of the flanker threads.

Could be wrong though.

I believe it was complexities in getting the instructor to enforce a G limit.

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Sounds about right but that’s not an issue anymore is it?

In the sense that they don’t force the G limit? Yes. Given F-16 is one of the very few airframes with no ability to override its G limit, seems a fair compromise.

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Finally have some decent dogfight footage;


Finally have some decent dogfight footage;
Gets 3rd Partied


Oh god, Gunjob working on getting the F3 late up BRed to 14.0 :D

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Least skilled Tornado F3 enjoyer vs most skilled SU27 fan

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That sums up my attempts at dog fighting in it. Ive managed to almost win multiple 1 vs 1 and a couple 1 vs 2 against other gen 4 jets just to have some guy come in a kill his freindly and me in the process… Dog fighting in it is no longer the problem, its just games being far too large for top tier gameplay.

You would 100% have died in the old FM at the recommit because you wouldn’t have been able to turn cold in time.

It’s so much better, although to be honest this is probably more showing off how much of an insult the Su27 flight model is more than anything lol.


If feels better for sure but imo the speed bleed with the wings folded out is a bit too extreme.
Imo the reduction in energy retention does not correlate with the slightly increased pull but haven’t tested the numbers yet.

Instead of a whole new aircraft I’d just petition to give the f.3 late the 106, it’s already an amalgamation of multiple aircraft at different time stages with 9M/Aim120 at the same Time.