Gaijin needed to move the f4s up but couldnt without fucking us over too, the f4s will do fine at 11.7 (or 12.0 if they give it better missiles, im not sure if it did irl so dont ask me). Whats real fucking stupid is not giving the fg and fgr its 9ls at this point, its now higher than the god damn tornaods, what in the actual fck do they have now to explain why we dont have them. Dont even get me started on my poor ej kai, 12.7 on a phantom frame without agile eagle and a mid radar.
Apart from some of the complete stupidity of a couple aircraft gojng up in br this is all very positive.
Although for me stock grind improvements are too little too late I’ve already lost sanity stock grinding F3 late to amraams.
I’m pretty sure I’ve gotten less than 10 kills in 100 games. DONT WORRY THO. It’s MY SKILL ISSUE! not being able to turn 90 Degrees in LESS THAN 12 BUSINESS DAYS.
its a good thing i gave up after my tentch game after a grand total of like 2 kills. Although i dont agree with the overall positive, as the only real positive brought from this is the increase of br, but 13.7 is not nearly enough. A vast majority of changes could have been good if they actualy gave some jets the missiles they refused before due to their brs, but now that they have been increased they still refuse because… reasons.
Well I guess but 9.0 will be more playable, the hunters are my favourite jets in the game and I’ve not played a single game in them in 2 years because of all aspect premium spam and low br Mach 2 planes
I tried spading the f6, gave up after my 100th sraam that decided it cant pull more than 10gs… at least the huter wont see as many all aspects anymore but i still think the minimum br for all aspects should be 10.7 flat. su 25, a10s, etc, all should be at 10.7 or above.
May I have a copy of the second file used?
i wonder if this means we can get 9Ls on our phantoms finally
Hah, funny joke
As for a reason, check space
Thats the thing, space is enough
I Can take the GBU+2 High drag bombs which are bigger, but the GBU+2 Normal Bombs isnt allowed
Then i dunno. Might be a bug.
Probably a bug
Must be
Bug, think it was fixed on GR.1 already.
Still trying to find someone who has the Italian IDS, I have a feeling it might has also the Issue
Good luck with that
Had luck, found 3 with the 1995 one, and it has the same issue… :(
Lets see what will come out…