Only advice I can give is avoid the fight as long as you can, maybe go gun kill a bot or 2.
After the merge, you might be able to sneak in and pick up a kill or 2 against distracted players or sub-sonic strikers like any Su-25s about.
Best way to avoid SARH is to just hug the deck. Stay as low as you can, Ideally below about 30-50m. Should mitigate most SARH.
After that, all I can offer you is Good Luck. The Stock grind in the F3 is up there as one of the hardest. Should have had Standard Skyflash (not the DFs) as stock.
I know it got a big buff recently as it cant face the worst enemies but also a nerf because BOL pods. I’ve not played it in ages frankly my stats arent awful 17 deaths 15 kills makes it better than most my air RB planes definitly. But it’s still a kick in the teeth to play when you’re coming back to it a little unfamiliar.
It’s also sad that even with better Fox 1s, better Fox 2s and BOL pods it’s still bad enough to be considered the same BR as the Phantom.
Yeah, It is a real shame. It could yet get other buffs, like Pilot Hand controls (Think HMD but only within the seekers FoV) not too mention it is still running a placeholder flight model which is underperforming.
But yeah, not having to fight 12+ is awesome but its certainly not an easy aircraft to fly and in some respect the Phantoms are by far superior.
Brimstones are not real, they cant hurt you.
Well, the PGMs had a choice of TV, IR and SALH seeker, we got TV in game. Maybe we will get IR or SALH in the future?